So one of my best friend is going down a slippry dip of drug use. He refuses to smoke pot, but on the weekend he did 6 ecstasy pills, and then drove home wiuth a car full of people. He gets drug tests all the time and has built up quite a good career. IU've been playing it off as he's a big boy and he can take care of himself but seeing the state he was in on saturday was like a massive mindfuck for me. What do?
Seriously. Talk to him. Tell him that you are worried about his use. You dont need to tell him to stop as that would probably sink him lower in his habit.
sorry to hear that but yeah either^ or cut off all contact with him till he cleans up. i want to cut off all contact with a friend of mine whos a total bean head until he cleans up, but i cant help but kik it with him. its your move really