A bit of a predicament with my cousin!

Discussion in 'General' started by cannabis666, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Anyway, so my cousin who is 17 came home baked, and his mother was like "Are you stoned!?". Note that she is a drug counselor and she is really backwards and ignorant about marijuana. Anyway, so she is testing him for marijuana, and she is doing an at home test. Fortunately, he said he will get clean pee from one of his friends. But he doesn't know how he can get it into the bathroom discreetly without his mother knowing, or to even go about this...So, I am asking for your advise so I can help my little cousin out, there is nothing I can really do, because I don't live in his area anymore, and I have never been in a situation like this because my parents were chill about it when I was younger and still are. And his test will be quite soon actually, like within the upcoming week.
  2. Tape + Leg = Solution

    Just don't spill that shit
  3. And either way, if she's a drug counciler...she knows. Your cousin is just prolonging the inevitable.
  4. One bad thing about the "tape to leg thing", that would be a great idea, but he likes to wear skinny jeans, and if one day he were to wear a baggier pair of jeans, then his mom would suspect something. I don't know, she is really observant.
  5. Fill an empty visine bottle with a small amount of bleach.

    Piss in the cup. Don't fill the cup with the beginning or the end of the stream. Only fill to the "fill line", or slightly above.

    Add 3-5 drops of bleach to the cup. Swirl the contents around to mix it up.

    Make sure not to add so much bleach as to smell strongly, but it's not like she's going to put her nose in it..
  6. How much urine is the kid planning on using? If he wears skinny jeans he wears tight underwear, so tell him to crotch that shit. You only need a little bit.
  7. Well, my cousin just called. And apparently his mom surprised him. So he tried to dilute it with rubbing alcohol, because he had no bleach lol.
  8. a small bottle of some sort check target or whatever tape it to leg
  9. If its his bathroom, just tell him to hide it in there a day or two before the test..

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