A bad trip

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Insurgency, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Insurgency, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    sup everybody im new, gunna start it off with a story

    so i was at this concert out in the country, and i was booming like crazy n i was pretty gone. I was doing it with some buddies and it was an awesome trip, like in the sky there was this pink ring with a full moon and stars and it was sweet. (by the way everyone saw the ring, not just me) so you can image this really sweet trip i was going through. So we are leavin the concert and driving back to our dorm rooms. We get back and im in my room getting something to drink before we go cruise and all of a sudden i hear this knock. I look out the peep hole and i see 3 CAs and a cop. Remember im still trippin so im freaking the fuck out. I open up and ask whats up, just trying to keep myself together. "Hello, we have reason to believe youve been smoking marijuana" and im like oh fuck but i say no and and they just came in, saying they could search our room because "they smelt smoke". So the cop is searching my room and he just keeps asking me questions and questions and im trying to give him answers while watching the walls and doors sway back n forth in a pink color. Thank god they didnt find anything but my mind set didnt let me believe i was off the hook, i couldnt even leave the room after that for at least a hour. The thing that got me out of it was watching Looney Toons LOLOL

    ugh, the end

    -the situation (lol jk that shows stupid)
  2. Tool. ^

    Thats sucks man.. any negative environmental setting sucks on boomers. sorry for that but atleast you didnt get in trouble!

    also, were you smoking in your room? lol
  3. naw, turns out my neighbor had a bunch of weed in his room but they thought it was my room....:confused:
  4. looool that shits funny bro xD. ive had similar situations, except im a minor. and was in the car with 2 older people, 1 under the influence of alchohol and drugs. and the driver was just high. and the cop let us go. at like 3 in tha morning. had us get out. he found all our shit too
    and just gave it back and told us to go. then we went to our hommies and blazed some more! :D
  5. why the hell does everyone post these? its getting annoying

  6. lol great job:hello:

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