a ? about god

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by INDICA, Aug 31, 2001.

  1. he made him self!have you herd the power of taught! mind over matter,he is a telapathisc ,teleconnetic telastatic beging!he alters matter and time with his taughts! god is just a name we gave him,i know more but you would have a hard time understanding the uper levels of begings!seeing is beleiveing!i know him, ive seen him, he is real!tazz11
  2. My Take on this;

    If "god" is omnipitent,of all things.then we are all part of god.The religon, if any would be, life. For life is omnipitent and is all things.

  3. think of him have a colective sprit with a party of him in every cell ,he is with in the nuculs nutral between electons and portron,the neutron adds weight, it is not under the control of the + 0r the -, the eletron dosnt not make a bomb the neutron dose!when it is struck by a out side force in this you are seeing a tiny peice of gods rath,watch a tape of a plaszar start blow up and watch just a little of the power in ?,but i dont want to feak anyone out !he out there !he is in here!and he is every where!good luck tazz11
  4. not realy, think of it in a biger idea like a pound , if he is to apeer he has to use power of beging from other places and it drans him to keep a eathly sprit from!hes like a power greed he is getting weeker as everything grows biger,he is like lightening,or a car batter! it would take me weeks to try to show everyone what i am talking about but thats the main idea,the only bad thing is that all that we know could implode on it self with out warning! the reverse of the big bang thery!you ask how could the universe could get bigger thats how and god is going to recharge his power this way!when only he knows! omnipitent he my apeer that but dont think he is gone! he is not! tazz11
  5. If anybody is seriously contemplating the existance of god (and it looks like a couple are, at least) Then I have a book to reccomend. Its called Why God Won't Go Away, and it discusses the nueroanatomical basis for religeon, as well as how these values are enforced by repetitive ceremony.
    In a nutshell, he claims that repetitive stimulation of certain nueral centers by activities such as singing, dancing, etc. causes a drop in the activity of the part of the mind responsible for defining personal limits (where you end, and the rest of the universe begins). This results in a feeling of incrased unity and connectedness. Anybody thats ever had a decent dose of acid probably knows what Im talking about.
    Anyway, the authors of this book took MRIs of experienced meditators, and franciscan nuns during prayer, and found the expected decrease in nueronal activity.

    Jeez, I hope that made sense, if it didnt, read the book...
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Are you saying that

    all the wonder that is revealed to us through shamanistic herbage is ONLY a self-satisfying delusion?

    I think this book is an explanation for "religiousity", but DOES NOT approach the fundamental questions regarding the existence/nature of the 'spiritual universe'...

    ...and that's from someone who still regards themselves as a radical atheist!
  7. Yeah, you could argue that, but then really every pleasureable experience is a self-delusion. I dont think that anybody is going to argue that spiritual experiences are happenings that usually take place outside the context of everyday life. Whether or not you want to argue that spiritual experience is self-delusion is one thing,, but you're probably closer than you think. Spiritual experiences are very relative. No one can prove that they had a vision from god, or that they've been touched by jesus or jah or whoever. I find great value in the comparisons between the nueral activity of people undergoing religeous experiences, but I dont depend solely upon this book to guide my spiritual theocracy.
    I think that would be rather narrow minded. But to dismiss legitamate scientific evidence on the fact that it doesnt fully shed light on every facet of the spiritual plane seems equally closed-minded. this book sheds a lot of light on the functioning of rituals, song, and dance of religeous cerimonies. It does not try to negate or even explain the spiritual plane. 'religeocity' is very relative ant intensely personal. You religeous experiences will no doubt differ from those sitting on the pew or in the lotus position next to you. Religeous experience is reltive, and to try and disprove it is a losing battle.
  8. ive stood a top the sears tower and looked down at what you think is man ,just dots very little dots!ive had a beging stand before me not of my makeing ,not a delusion ,in sprit form 15ft from me! you call it what you want !it would not change what i saw!god is real! if any one here knows it or can explane it is besides the fact to me ,i was downing and called for him with my last thaught and he came and safed me!call it any thing you wish knowing is beleaveing!i think of him as a aroa a sprital life force that is in everything and he can draw power from one spot and focus it in another!or many spots and focus him self for only a short time in sprit form before some one if need be!as like what i saw !call him any thing you want beleave or not ,thats what you feel safe with! but i know what i feel and see! and the sprit i saw is real !when you see a sprit stop time and movement in front of your own eyes ,youll say seeing is beleave to!by the way science is rewriten dayly !and there is nothing saying god would be under stood by science in the frist place!god and big foot are to diffent things!as is religions!many religions have spooken about sprits and gods and some try to use them to make their faith and following stronger!what ever for them! but i am talking what is god and dose he live !many can call him other names good or bad ! i dont see him writeing books these days but he is alive and i call him god for a lack of a better name! i know he is here and when your last breath has past from your lips and you hear your heart stop !and your sprit crys out for help i know he is the only sprit that came to help me and he could help you!beleave, in him and only him and his work, not false idols!
  9. Holy shit guys... everything just got so serious.

    Here's the deal.

    If you believe in a god..... fine.

    If you don't believe in a god..... fine.

    Just try not to get so worked up about it. It's not worth the hassle. Just live your life.



    If there is a god and by definition, (he / she / it) is 'good' then our creation was probably sparked by god's intention to share individuality and sentience. If god was to interfere in our lives then his initial intention to share sentience would be a waste of time. So, if there is a god out there, we won't know it until the last beat of our hearts.

    Have a nice day.
  10. Did I sound serious?? I was just sharing personal philisophical conjectures. I wasnt expecting everybody to agree with me...
  11. "I refuse to prove I exist" says God, "because proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing".

    "Ah" says man, "but the babelfish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It proves you exist, therefore you don't. Q.E.D."

    "Oh dear, never thought of that" says God, and vanishes in a puff of logic.

    From "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" by the late great Douglas Adams.
  12. discussion only there is no hate or dislike for you to have your ideas of god,thats what makes him great to some and nothing more than a word too others!i was just shareing my ideas here by no means are my veiws right for anyone other than myself and my life is what i have made of it as my idea of god as it stands!i liked a lot of the post here and i hope you can see my point of veiw ,seeing is beleaveing!but thats why gods only seen by a few!good luck and dont blow a gasket! its not good for ya! smoke one, you may change your minds about big foot! lol tazz11
  13. i went to a catholic school for 3 years and the only reply to this question I ever heard was god created himself and basically 'don't ask such a stupid question , where is your faith?'
  14. Wow! Hey all, I am new to grasscity...but deffinatly not new to the whole god discussion thing.
    There are some thoughts I'd like to share with everyone.

    "Ever since the begingin of time, religion has done nothing but divide"...make sence huh, diffrent way to look at the whole issue though huh!

    God is defined generally as a creater, perserver and destroyer of all things by dictionaries of the western world, hence christain based...however, the christian religion belives that god was never created, always there, and he will never destroy the universe either...where is the logic?

    My 3rd point...left it for last, as it is very long.
    As god is defined above, creater, preserver, and destroyer...are humans not playing the role of god increasingly. There are 2 reasons for me saying this.
    1. Genetic enginering will soon enable us humans to create new speices, and forms of life, prerve them if we give them reporotuctive and living mechanisms, and destroy them as well, if they will die.
    2. Information Technology. There are professors who belive with the current increase in data storage and communciation, we will in 10-15 years time be able to download the entire UNIVERSE into a set of connected servers...hence everything will have a physical and digital life form...
    So what will come from this? A war between the belivers of the movie Gataca, and Matrix. Who will win? Both?

    Only thing is, after we humans have the place of God...will our "god," (be it allah, god, whoever) have any place for our crerations...chances are no...hence maybe the same way, there was someone who created god...but we dont know...and dont care...

    werid huh?
  15. I'm with critter on this one. in the end everyone dies and again becomes one with the divine(mother nature). And I also believe that life is just one big ass circle.

    I am also a true believer in Karma, what goes around comes around if you know what i'm saying.
  16. know thats true,god did creat him self i know how he did it,if you find the anwser to that ? your self you well know he did to.
  17. we can also be creators or destroyers but god can think things into being we oas man kind can only build them by hand! to know and see him is to know we well never be more powerful than him or his touch,it takes far more than what we know to be truely god like and every thing we make is a fake be sides his work well we do it yes but it well be like fake weed just not the same!
  18. matter of fact i am a good example!
  19. you cant be more right............im not being disrespcetful or anything. but i think A very long time ago people thought about things and why we are HEAR and who made us.

    The greeks belive all those gods. i think that is BULLSHIT,




  20. you have not seen or touch or smelled him,that dosen t mean he is not real, only that he has not made himself real to you,and the good book shows the wishes of the church and not gods or christ! faith inpowers a spirit as well as gods ,only when we lose faith do they parish!

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