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A 1/2 ounce of Stress for $25 or 1.5g's of Trainwreck?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wkndstnr, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Okay so I'm confused as fuck.

    I don't know if I should get the half ounce of stress for $25 or 1 and a half grams of trainwreck. I really wanna make some edibles with this stuff so I'd got for the stress right? Help me out?

    Edit: I'm a retard, 1.5 grams of trainwreck for 20 bucks. Sorry.
  2. many edibles do you think you can make with 1.5 grams?
  3. Stress? wtf?
  4. Is stress another word for mids or schwag?
  5. stress = shit weed (seeds, stems, etc)
  6. i'd get the trainwreck but thats me.:smoke:
  7. I'd get the trainwreck for 20 bucks.
  8. get the trainwreck or if you have 45, get both lol!

    also whats with the first tag for this post; "cats"?
  9. yeah man gotta go with the train wreck on this one if you wanna make edibles just get some regs especially around christmas time when the regs is really good
  10. So it'd be worth it just to wait a little longer and get 3gs of trainwreck? I guess i'll just do that then. This trainwreck I got must be some good shit then. :smoke:
  11. Stress Wth is that? i haven't smoked stress since middle school.
  12. #12 Fredean, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Who would get weed named Stress if they have friggin' trainwreck available?

  13. I'v never heard of stress, it sounds like something nelly would say
  14. If it's that shitty that you get a half zip for 25 it really isn't worth buying. I wouldn't pay more than 10 a G buying from a guy, unless I know it's flame. My advice for edibles? Mids, when you ingest MJ the high feels more intense so you don't really need dank.
  15. Here in austin 25 is normal for a half. And its decent bud. I personally would choose that...but really these decisions should be made by YOU not US.

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