Need a little help with my ventilation. My specs. grow room: 9x2x7,126 square foot closet light: 400w HPS Right now with no ventilation it gets about 85F, so I was thinking about using this with this for exhaust and this for intake. This will all be in a mobile home which will be exhausting and intaking from under the trailer through the floor. Do you think this will work?
No dude... you definately need another light... That 400 was meant to cover 4' in any direction not 9 The plants at the end of your trailer will suck compared to the ones in th middle. As far as your venting goes you only need an exhaust no need for an intake. The fan and filter you have picked out though should work perfectly. I recommend hooking it all up to an air cooled reflector, this will help alot with temps in the summer heat.
With a big 6" vortex fan on the exhaust, I don't think you'd need the 4" vortex intake fan. Just try a lightproof passive intake for starters. A 400 is a little small if you're going to use your entire closet for grow space. GL!
I only have 6 plants right under the light not the hole thing I should have said that, but as far as venting I don't need an intake
I just ordered this and this I'll buy the ducting at homedepot because it will be cheaper. Thanks guys!
Good for you dude! Nah, you only need an intake fan if you've got a wimpy exhaust fan like a PC or a 'duct booster' fan. That vortex is most definitely NOT a wimpy fan. Just make a 8" hole for a passive intake port and the superior sucking action(!) of the vortex will pull in all the cool intake air you'll need. GL!
Nice thread, the link to the hydro light website was very helpful, Im using (6) 13w CFL's, is this lame or what? that means 5160 Lumens for 2 plants, Noone has helped me out with what I need to get the most light out of this. I need sum help plz! but ya I DO KNOW that a good enough outake is making up for intake control. I just lost my 400w HPS, and now its CFL's, hoplefully I can just leave them on 24/7 until there 10" then what though? How do I get big buds, Should I buy the Hallogens at walmart and add them too it? They look like cute little mini-HPS bulbs, lol there like 40w or so, 800 Lumens each i think. and like $10 for 2
Hey I was in the same boat as you i could not ever really find how to get the most out of the CLF's thats why I got a hps. I would help you if i could but I am still a big n00b and have no idea sorry
halogen bulbs dont work for growing first off... and there are all kinds of tutorials all over the net for how to figure out your lighting(ive put atleast 5 on GC myself)... what kind of problems are you having exactly? CFL's are the cheap way out of it so dont expect stellar results. some growers get A+ weed with them but thats not the usual outcome. Seems like you got it right though(atleast for veg).