So if prop 19 passes i will be starting a fully compliant outdoor grow in the spring. for 25 square feet is the maximum size of the growing area, how close together can i place the plants? i have a little indoor growing experience (was my roommates project) but never really considered growing outdoors till now. few bulleted questions: 1) how close can the plants be to eachother? 2) general range of a yield per plant? 3) do the buds tend to be airy or tight? 4) i live about 5 mins from the beach in central cali, there are no seasons here... its either sunny or foggy when do you think i should plant?
LMAO prop 8! But OP, i live in the 805 too, i know some guys have had success growing outdoor year-round in areas like SLO and north county. There is no limit to the number of plants, as long as its within the 25 sq. feet limit, usually airy buds when outdoor but depends on strain, and i would plant between march and may.
WHHAATT? First the gays want to take our marriage away but now they want to limit our gardens to 25 feeet?!! the nerve...
5 x 5? sounds like 2 good plants to me. unless you start late in the season, then you could fit more. i wonder if all the plant material has to be in the space, or just the roots. that changes everything.
yea i know that the 5x5 thing isnt the only way to go. i think we're gonna have to wait for someone to get busted and fight the definition in court.. which sucks for us
No dammit, 25 square feet! Didn't you guys learn anything in third grade math, it's basic area! Doesn't have to be 5x5, it can be any number combos as long as the area equals 25ft squared.
I wonder that too, like could you do 6"x50'. And it says 25 sq. ft. per household, but does it have to be only one area up to 25 sq. ft. or can you have many areas that add up to 25 sq. ft. Like put little 6"x6" squares around the base of your plant outdoors and you could then have 50 plants with room to grow, if the whole plant doesn't have to be in the 25 sq. ft. just the base.
sorry but 5x5 is the easiest way to break down 25 square feet and just because i dont list every single option for 25 square feet or call it that in my post has nothing to do with the question i ask.