95% Keif 5% Bud

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Boondocksaint, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. As the title implies, I have the largest bowl I've ever packed to myself waiting right in front of me. And Company of Heroes is loading up in the back round.
    I'll see you guys later.
    I wonder how the weather is on Mars this time of year?

    Anyone else down for a mid day sesh? :smoking:
  2. Kief Bowls are always the best. When I'm out of green, I'll usually check the kief-catcher on the grinder and there will always be 1-2 bowls of kief in there, just enough to get by.

    But lemme tell ya, kief bowls will get you RIPPED :D Love it. haha
  3. Lucky man, I dont even have a screen grinder :(
  4. i have a little plastic grinder, you can still get the kief from it. i use a little paintbrush thingy to collect the kief that sticks to the bottom, works great.
  5. with glass i always throw in some bud first as a screen for the kief, so all my "kief bowls" are really 95% kief and 5% bud to, works great
  6. That bowl sounds awesome!
    Company of Heroes is such a dope game, i need it
  7. Haha! Almost an identical situation here, just gonna go blaze some keif and hope my mother doesn't take me to the doctors because of my possible bronchial infection:eek:
  8. I had almost an eigth of kief and ran out of bud so just smoked kief for a week straight instead of pickin up

  9. same here, i'm close to dry so i'm doing that right now

    but my dude just messaged me and said they had a qtr waiting. i just might have to wait till midnight for a ride unless i walk. its only 45 min each way... but idk.
  10. Just think of it as a mission man.
    Sometimes I'll walk down to my guy's house and it's about the same, 45 each way.
    It makes that bowl so much more satisfying :D
  11. smoke in 50 minutes, and be home in 1 hour 30

    or smoke in 6 hours+
  12. Walk it man get there, blaze up, blaze up again on the way home, and celebrate when you get home with a blaze :smoking:
  13. #13 E n i g m a, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2010
    Pictures of these kief bowls anyone? :confused:
  14. i have a bowl waiting for me on the end of my t break. its about 60% bud, 30% kief and 10% salvia.

  15. Sounds awesome.
  16. haha. thanks for the encouragement. but i called they said they were going to bed til 11 because of work at 2 or 3. i duno. but i guess i'm waiting midnight.

    good news is my pops smoked me up a few min ago so i'm cool. i think i might take a nap till 11 like my dude. idk, now that i'm high i kinda wanna stay up but i haven't been sleeping for shit.
  17. I guess I'm gunna be the first one here to call bullshit?
  18. yeah, keif bowls are unbelievably great.
  19. #19 E n i g m a, Feb 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2010

  20. on me? if so, go for it.

    really the main reason i waited to go over was my dealer is my ex. if i went over while ppl where there i wouldn't of been able to mess around. So i let her see her friends, and get nap. When i got there she was just getting out of the shower... it was great. Then she got another shower, we smoked a blunt, and she went off for her first day at some cleaning comp.

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