From TFA (regarding the lawyer in charge of the Gulf Coast Claims Facillty): Uh, yeah, when you're tapping that oil giant for close to a cool million every month, go figure you're gonna take your sweet time doing the job you were hired to do...
Yeah thats fuckin ridiculous. How fuckin hard of a job can you have that you deserve 850,000 per month
I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, the fact that he's getting paid $850,000 a month to do this job, or the fact that he's now trying to "renegotiate" for probably more...
we <3 corporate america! exxon made like 9 billion this past quarter just imagine the tax dollars we could get from the big oil companies
The only thing blacker than the hearts of those running oil companies is the black hole that tax revenue falls into. Sad to say, but I really don't see a point in taxing them. The tax revenue would "disperse" like the poison BP dumped into the Gulf, the Government would still be broke, and what would the oil companies likely do in response to being taxed? A 25-cent price hike on every gallon, fuck you very much. In the end, it would probably be We, the Consumer who would get fucked even more than we already are. Yup, you're right. We seem to <3 corporate greed.