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90 Day Tolerance Break: Is It Enough?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johnd94, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 johnd94, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Fellow stoners, I am wondering if a 90 day t-break is enough for a fairly heavy user (roughly a half eight per week for about a year, mabye less) to achieve highs like when I first started smoking, if that is even possible. I planned the 90 days so that it ends on 4/20, but I would be willing to spend 4/20 sober if it meant I could get as high as I did when I first started.
    When I first started, I got awesome body highs and CRAZY thoughts. I felt like electricity was flowing through my limbs combined with an irresistible urge to just flow. Every time I layed down, i felt like I was on a roller coaster. Music sounded infinitely better, masturbation was infinitely more pleasurable, and I couldn't watch a movie and remember the plot cogently. I watched The Big Lebowski probably 3 times, and i still can't tell you what really happened, I would just laugh my ass off. I would notice patterns and qualities about people, places and things that proably aren't even real to begin with, but were still hella interesting to think about, and I'd make up stupid little songs and words that I still remember to this day. The highs lasted really long too
    Now, my highs are just stale. I have minimal body highs (the roller coaster comes back if I took a short break and smoked dank) and my thoughts are just sluggish, rather than unique and interesting. The highs last WAY shorter.
    When I first started smoking, it was like every high was unique, and that I had something to take with me even when I sobered up, and now they just lost their color.
    I understand that the quality of your high depends on canabinoid receptors and all that, and I am wondering if receptors can be permanantly damaged beyond repair (my worst fear), or if they repair 100% if given enough time.
    I appreciate all responses.
  2. Damn, man. Good job on holding off for soo long!

    I used to smoke like crazy everyday for like a year straight, and when I finally decided it was time for a t-break, I took a month off.
    Then when I finally broke it off, I smoked a single bowl of dank goodness... let's just say I was shaking and twitching like a sardine out of water!

    So yeah man, I would imagine you're probably gonna freak the hell out and jump out a window or something... which is a good thing.
  3. hell yea dude thats long enough i smoke like a half o a week ever sence i can remember i think the longest i went in the past 5years was 3days
  4. Honestly, I don't think you'll ever be able to recreate highs like your first times smoking.

    I've had friends who quite for years and didn't say anything about it being like their first time again.

    I really don't know though, longest I've gone in the past 8 years is a little less than a month.
  5. damn dude thats way more than enough :smoking:

    although like the person above me said, I have never been as high as I was the 2nd time I smoked (first time didnt get high). It was by myself walking home at like 4am, I felt like Iwas floating and I saw orange fireworks on the pavement. good times.
  6. Even if it doesn't get me high like the fist times (i remember at least 10 ideal ones), the break would still lower my tolerance a shitload and would definately seem more special because I wouldn't be doing it for a while. The only downside I see to this is that I will have to spend my birthday sober :(
  7. I think a tolerance break of 30 days should be the same as one of 90 days. :confused_2:

    I don't have any scientific evidence to support this, just what I believe is probably true.
  8. I understand that the quality of your high depends on canabinoid receptors and all that, and I am wondering if receptors can be permanantly damaged beyond repair (my worst fear), or if they repair 100% if given enough time.
    I appreciate all responses.


    I would like to know the answer to this aswell if anyone knows. It feels as if my receptors are perma stoned I've taken a month t-break before and it did nothing but make my high last about an hour longer. So maybe I'm just fucked
  9. damn, half 8th a week can create a tolerance? and a 20 day tolerance break is fine, anything longer doesnt really matter. ive had to be clean plenty of times last year and a 14 day break is the same as a 6 month break to me. 5 months everyday since ive been off papers, i need to take another break:rolleyes:
  10. As soon as you can pass a piss test, your tolerance is as low as it's gonna get. 90 days is overkill X3.
  11. you know what you make some good points. i smoked myself stupid for a good period, i'd say 3 months. smoking pretty much everyday. finally decided that a tbreak would be nice. took one and man the first time i toked it was a one hit quit. just crazy body high but i mean nothing close to what it was like first time smoking. toking with my brother reminded me of that cuz he was telling me in a hotbox that he would touch something, then feel it like 2 seconds later, and everything was slow motion. i mean i wish i could be that high again, but yeah you gotta take a WHILE from weed. i'd say over 6 months.
  12. Piss tests just test for the amount of THC in your system. That's not the only factor of what get's you high, it also depends on the activitiy of the cannabinoid receptors in your brain. The more you smoke, the more THC the receptors proccess, the higher you get. When you smoke a lot, your receptors become desensitized and may even shut down. THC leaves your fat cells after about 30 days (unaided), but your cannabinoid receptors might still be desensitized. I've always heared that the longer you abstain, the better.
  13. I'm almost positive that a UA only tests for thc metabolites in your urine, correct me if im wrong though

    edit: 90 days seems to be overkill i would say 45 days MAX

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