80's anti-pot Commercial !

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Ghost_Toker, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Watch the video and i'm wondering if this is true?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd1pgHh_dkk&NR=1"]YouTube - '80s Anti-Drug Commercial - Pot[/ame]
  2. Its bullshit.
    They relised how much marijuana could be used for medical purposes as well as being used for making paper etc.
    Causing pharmaceutical companies to loose millions of dollars because people would be using marijuana instead of man made shit.
    So they boycotted it and started spreading lies to scare the public into not using it.
  3. I doubt it's true. Marijuana does have sedative effects on some parts of the brain, but it stimulates others wildly. Maybe they were testing the kid after he got the munchies and fell asleep...:D
  4. Yaa probably :p
  5. wow okay....Thanks for illustrating that marijuana actually has effects...

    No fucking duh your brain activity is going to change and the truth is we cycle through these different states every day. It's not bad at all, in fact the theta state that the high kid is in is really valuable for relaxation and releasing psychological issues we can build up throughout the day.

    So yes the sober kid is oscillating between beta and alpha and the high kid is in theta. The high kid will be in beta in an hour and the sober kid will be in theta if he lies down or vegges out in front of a tv.



  6. This was a typical "take it out of context for maximum effect" type thing. Remember, (or hear about it for the first time) John Anderson ran for President in '80 against Carter and Reagan, and basically his whole platform was to legalize pot. Reagan wanted the US's desire for pot to be killed off once and for all, if it was possible.
  7. I remember this ad...
  8. so what kinda weed did the 14 year old smoke to get that? looks like some kill based on those tests....
  9. A 14 year old kid shouldn't be smoking weed anyway.
  10. why not? I know it can fuck with the development of the brain, but if used in moderation what is wrong with it? I started when I was 14 and I did pretty well in school and didn't become "the typical stoner". I had friends that fucked up and did, but I also had friends and new plenty of people that used in moderation and were fine.
  11. I too smoked weed at the age of 14. In fact i had my 1st toke at 13.

    It's pretty obvious it should be left for adult use only. I'm not going to get into all the facts, but even if i did it i still don't think weed is a thing for kids.

    When you grow up you understand drugs and kids do not mix well.
  12. Yea I understand what you're saying. When I have kids I definitely wouldn't want them to be smoking. I wouldn't condemn weed as long as their grades stay good and they don't start to become the type of person that does nothing but smoke. I definitely would not condone the use of marijuana either though.
  13. My kids can smoke when they are at an age to understand it and respect it. 14 is not that age.
    That's my oppinion anyway.
  14. you should be able to smoke weed once your old enough to find it
  15. I want some of the shit that kid was on :smoking:. In all honesty, I bet that commercial is true. But it only shows brain waves when someone is actually high (a common method of anti-marijuana propaganda).
    It depends a lot more on maturity, in my opinion.
  16. that made me laugh
  17. Yea. I don't know though, I guess it depends on the person. Again when I was 14 I was responsible enough, but I had friends that just went crazy and stole money and basically fucked their lives up. So yea just the person depends.
  18. I agree.

    My policy will be that I will not tell my child I use weed until s/he is 18+.

    I won't smoke or show any hints of using weed, or alcohol. No influence.

    When it comes up in convo/I find it kid is using it under 18, I'll go "look, I don't want you to stunt your brain development(even though that is kinda bullshit). I understand where you are coming from and your desire to try it...but I feel you should wait a bit. But if you are going to do so..." and set limitations, that if broken...the book gets thrown at em. Pretty much what my parents did for alcohol when i was in high school.

    But once child is 18/21 and up...I'll probably enjoy the ganj right with them if they do partake.
  19. if my kid starts doing anything and i find out

    im going to make him read erowid, deoxy.org, shamanism stuff and watch terrence mckenna videos for home-homework so he earns a deep mature respect for altered states instead of doing them just to get high
  20. #20 Zero Cool, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2009
    On erowid.org they mentioned this exact commercial. I just read about it yesterday. It ended up being faked and the commercial was forcefully pulled from TV because it isn't true. Actually, marijuana raises some brain activity, making you more creative. I'll try and find the link that mentions this commercial...
    Edit: Found it! Scroll down the page a little to when it says the myth 'Marijuana flattens brainwaves.' It's the 7th myth.


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