Back in 2009 I was very new to smoking weed. I was posted at the bus stop one football Saturday waiting for the Ride to take me downtown. I was alone in the cubical, examining my one hitter. Suddenly this slightly overweight, shaggy guy rolls up a bike and comes into the cubical. He then takes off his back pack and says to me: "hey, man. Check this out". He then whips out a jar of some nice looking, and potent bud, and exclaims "MASTER KUSH!". He let me sample it in my one hitter and I was sky high. The guy must have thought I was stupid though, he proceeded to tell me: "These buds are real potent so it's $80 for a G". I laughed and told him I was alright, but thanks for the offer. He told me where I could find him, then took off on his bike. It was a very random encounter, and quite sketchy looking back on it. But it's like the mass amounts of people vanished for that period of time.
[quote name='"MSabre"']For $80 bucks I better be able to smell it and get high...[/quote] For 80 bucks a G I should be able to THINK about it and get high..
this is where I would've said something along the lines of "No one is fucking dumb enough to drop $80 on weed, no matter how fucking good, but the only way you are getting $80 out of me today, sir, is if you give me a half ounce for above price" He either does it and accepts your haggling offer, and still walks away with his $80, and you get a great deal, or he doesn't and your where you started. I personally would've milked this opportunity. When it knocks, it knocks
thats bad you did the right thing a so called old friend of mine tried to once sell me a g of sour d for 40 bucks i was like im not stupid dude im not paying that price some people are messed up.
[quote name='"LulzMaximus"'] For 80 a G, it better give me a blowjob.[/quote] For 80 a G, it better give me 2 blowjobs.