I've been reading up on the later stages of flowering and have some questions. Supposedly if you add more hours to the dark period instead of 12/12, the buds will mature faster. The yield will be lower but nonetheless you can harvest earlier. I was thinking if anyone can confirm this and maybe someone has tried it?
Suggest you do some reading of something a bit more factual. "Marijuana Botany" by Robert C Clarke comes to mind. This was tested out 30-40 years ago and besides a decrease in yield, there is a BIG decrease in THC production and it really doesn't speed up anything. Do some more REAL research or, try it and find out for yourself. Wet
easy wetdog we are hear to ask questions and i think its a fair questions to ask...not everyone is a pro and thats why we are here
I have a friend who tried something similar to this and got the same results that wetdog mentioned. Don't do it, it you want to experiment don't wander so far off the beaten path.
Wasn't irritated at the OP, just at the great abundance of plain bad information on the internet. Anyway, just off the top of my head, studies done showed nearly "twice" the THC produced under 12 hrs of light compared to 10 hrs of light. This is in "Marijuana Botany", for the actual reference. It is a very worthwhile book to have. Wet
Well you make a convincing argument But yea it was just a quick question I know I should research more but I wanted the perspective of a real life grower.
Understand that the length of the dark period triggers the plant to start and to maintain flowering. But it's more like an on/off switch -- once you have enough dark to flower a plant that's all the dark it needs, you can't flower it any more by giving it more dark. Balance that against the need for the plant to get as much light as possible, from which it derives its energy and also which stimulates THC production. So actually you want as much light as you can get away with while still giving enough uninterrupted dark to keep it definitely tilted towards flowering. 12/12 has been found to be the best cycle for that for general advice. It's possible that certain strains could take even more light and even less dark per day and stay in flowering, but we need reliable rules-of-thumb to work with and to advice others with, and 12/12 is it. More dark would not benefit anything.