Cool what kind of peppers are they? I got a variety pack nothing has sprouted up yet though, cayenne jalepenos and a few others. Like this small skinny yellow pepper I've never seen. I can't wait til april-may, I think we'll have last frost around middle of april. not sure yet though.
I've got all kinds of peppers. mostly superhots though, like the ghost pepper, 7 pod, Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow 7pods, 7pod barrackpore, Tabasco, Pimenta de Neyde, orange and red habs, Still havent started my jalepenos. probly wait till valentines day. In my area last frost isn't usually until mid-late May. Thanks for lookin!
It looks like you've got some growing experience! Everything looks full of potential! I'm interested in seeing mature plants!! Nice job! +rep!!
haha yeah just a little experience... Found out the hard way to do most things. jump in head first, ya know? Thanks for my first Rep!