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7 month old weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by fuckyeah, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. It smells fine, looks fine, and was kept in a zipped bag. Is it unquestionably safe to smoke?
  2. Of course.
  3. Dude, I've got strains in my vault that are a year and a half old. I won't smike anything that I haven't personally cured 2 weeks. Your stash is fine as long as it was dried and cured before.
  4. ya, it's fine. all that will happen after a while is the thc will break down to cbd(maybe cbn...can't remember) and give it a stonier high.
  5. Feeling that stonier high already... Don't know how well it was cured before in the shop before I bought it, it's been in the zipper ever since and this was in june '09.

    Thanks for the replies guys.


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