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7 Benefits Marijuana Gives Patients that Synthetic Drugs Can’t

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Sensiorganics, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. 7 Benefits Marijuana Gives Patients that Synthetic Drugs Can't.

    A cancer patient is undergoing chemotherapy and is about to begin the next round of treatment. All the usual suspects of dread and fear start to creep in: How much hair will be lost? How long will I feel like death warmed over this time? When will I regain my appetite?

    Even the little things that once were taken for granted, like driving, now become major issues and sources of anxiety as you must rely on others for transportation to and from the hospital.

    But one fine member in your army of doctors has given you a proven, natural way to cope with many of these after-chemo issues: a prescription for medical marijuana.

    You feel some sense of relief knowing that at least you'll be able to depend on this surefire alleviator of the most dreaded side effects. Now imagine that it was taken away from you.

    Your source for this natural remedy of all the chemo-created ailments disappears overnight. The therapeutic medicine is no longer available to you, nor is the compassionate relief that it provides.
    This tragedy is one that occurs all too often in medical marijuana states across the country. For patients suffering in non-medical marijuana states, the scenario is even worse. So, why are we making sick people rely on dealers? Why are we systematically shutting down dispensaries, and simultaneously ignoring the virtuous properties of this safe and effective herb?

    These questions become most perplexing and much harder to answer when we consider all the benefits medical marijuana offers patients that synthetic drugs do not. Here is a list of the top seven.

    1. Natural Marijuana is an organic herb that has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times by societies in China, Rome and the Middle East. The plant's main compounds, cannabinoids, can be horticulturally raised to produce more of the healing and medicinal cannabinoids, and less of the psychoactive euphoric cannabinoids. This is known as medical grade marijuana.

    2. Non-addictive Because of its simple-binding nature, cannabis does not build up in the body, and therefor does not create a physical dependency like many of today's synthetic drugs.

    3. Appetite Inducer Unlike every dietary control drug on the market, marijuana is unique in that it triggers the appetite, rather than suppress it. Many drugs that are helpful in combating diseases have the undesired side effect of inhibiting appetite. Marijuana reverses this condition by stimulating hunger. In fact, certain viral pathogens like AIDS neutralize appetite signals in the brain, resulting in a lethal condition called “wasting syndrome.” Cannabis safely reverses this trend so that patients have the will to eat.

    4. Fast-acting Inhalation of marijuana works quickly to treat and alleviate many symptoms. Moreover, patients now have the option of inhaling cannabis by using a vaporizer which eliminates the carcinogens that result from combustion. Other forms patients may prefer can also work faster than pill-based drugs, such as steeping cannabis in water, creating a drinkable “tea,” and baking it into edible foods.

    5. Therapeutic A particular cannabinoid compound, tetrahydrocannabinol, is psychoactive and works to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression in patients. In addition, those patients who cultivate their own medical marijuana develop a spiritual connection to their plants through the care and gardening of the herb. The growing process provides strong mental rewards and uplifts their spirits.

    6. Efficacy Centuries of both anecdotal and quantitative data on the medicinal effectiveness of marijuana upon various ailments exists. The cannabis herb is a proven, effective and safe treatment for alleviating the following conditions: Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis and spasticity, Inflammation and inflammatory diseases, General aches and pains, Joint pain, Depression, Anxiety, Nausea, and Wasting.

    7. No Side Effects, please. The average medical marijuana patient takes a litany of drugs in pill form on a daily basis. Many –if not all, of these drugs have unwanted side effects. Some drugs are even prescribed specifically to deal with the side effects of the others. Marijuana has no known side effects.

    Taking drugs to deal with drugs results in a nonsensical and vicious cycle that many patients endure. Instead of adding insult to injury, why not prescribe medical marijuana to treat symptoms, rather than exacerbate them? If the medical industry truly operates on the principle of “First, do no harm,” then does not medical cannabis make good, compassionate sense? We think so.
  2. I am worried marijuwana will be legalized here in Colorado, before the medical industry has been is such a vital tool to medicine I hate to think that will be washed out in recreational use.
  3. You forgot Peace of Mind that they aren't buying something that some homie was killed over
  4. You both have valuable points... It's the youth that needs to make the change

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