6x 1000w HPS Grow Room!

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Gnarkotics, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. #1 Gnarkotics, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012
    Just harvested the first crop out of my new grow room and things are looking good, just about a pound a light! I'm looking to improve on that with this next crop in a number of ways, and decided to document them in this thread. I will go into detail about feeding and soil once the room is cleaned and ready for planting.
    I am a medical marijuana patient in California under Prop 215 and SB 420, and use all my harvest as medicine.

    First crop was half Pineapple Express and half Grand Daddy Purps.
    The room right before harvest-


    The Pineapple-




    The GDP-




    The next round of clones are started and looking good under 2 t5's in my impromptu veg room until the HPS room is ready.


    The strains I decided on this time around are- Pineapple express x24, Harlequin x 6 and Girl Scout Cookies x6 for the tubs, and on top of that I will be filling in some of the empty space in the room with 3 gallon pots containing a number of strains I would like to start playing with- Blueberry x Jack Herer, Blue Dream, Kandy Kush, Larry OG Kush, and Strawberry Cough.

    Suggestions and questions welcome, I'm hoping this can be a learning experience for both me and you. Thanks for stopping by!
  2. Subbed. Good luck.

  3. Im gnna sub n follow this grow...i seen ur last thread...nice...
  4. Pulling up a chair for this 1,damn u must puff a fair bit if it's all personnel lol,looks like this is going to be fun....
  5. Ohh shit briwes in here!! "I'm a patient, not a criminal!"
  6. damn straight!!! they tryin lock us up for enjoy the great marijuana plant!!
  7. Love your videos. Stay up my man!
  8. #9 Gnarkotics, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    Thanks for all the interest! It's been a very busy week but some progress was made. The room is almost reset and ready for clones, however I am going out of town and they will have to stay under the t5's until I get home. What better chance to show you my method of transplanting! The majority of the girls went into 1 gallon pots and a few made it into the 3 gallons.

    Clone Age- 4 weeks after cut
    Soil- Organicare Indoor formula
    Feeds- 5.9pH with 5mL per gal of each CalMag and Botanicare Pure Blend Grow


    -Here we have a beautiful Kandy Kush clone who is ready for a 3 gallon pot. I am actually going to use her in an organic CFL closet grow I am starting, might have to start a new thread. Pics of that at the bottom : )


    As you can see here the roots are looking thick and healthy! To hell with cubes, we root in the soil!!!


    Now this next part is going to take some finesse. I very carefully start to apply pressure to the bottom of the root ball, rotating it every few seconds, and gently pulling apart until the roots start to open up out of the shape they were confined to. This will help your little lady get acquainted to her new space much easier, and without shock if you are very careful. Always leave enough room at the top of your pot to cover the old root ball completely, paying special attention to packing around the sides of the pot and ensuring the plant is very secure and doesn't sway easily.


    She will thank you. Trust me.



    Oh, and the CFL contraption I made yesterday. There is currently an empty socket on the top due to my lack of 100w bulbs. The beauty of this is that each arm is adjustable, and easily expandable with a 'Y' socket, to optimize the amount of light your plant is getting at any time. Probably could have added another socket halfway up the arm, but those bulbs are putting out 1600 lumens each. And for under $70 in materials I'm thinking this might be a very viable option for closet growers! I plan on making a full on cabinet for this within a week or two, there just isn't enough time in the day!
  9. Ur doin big things homie its koo ill take over while u leave lol....man I really wanna try n wet my feet in organics...
  10. Subbed

  11. Wow what a contraction,thinking outside the box, got me thinking now cfl!
  12. Well I came back today to find all of my little ladies had died....
    Just kidding! Lol, they have all grown so much!!! I love spending time apart from them purely for the amazement they bestow upon me when I return. I'll snap a few pics once i get all unpacked and settled.

    Do it! I always try to do a few plants organically each cycle. The taste and high, when done right, just can't be beat in my opinion. Then again, I always show these plants a little more love then the masses, which may explain my preference in smoking them.
  13. Haha u fooled me I remember u said ur from cali I was gnna send u,my malawi gold seeds....care to share ur organic soil rec? I have a,lil plot in my back yard to cook the soil...its like 3' by 10'
  14. oO
    Malawi Gold you say??? Very interesting! Instantly I have a few ideas about how I would baby her :eek:
    I do not claim to know what I am doing as far as organics go, but my mixture is mostly ProMix Mycorrhizae, Compost, Worm Castings, Perlite, Glacial Rock Dust, Kelp and Lime. Mix very thoroughly, I would suggest laying down some painters plastic or a tarp in your yard for this. Then it goes into 5 gallon buckets for 4 weeks, at which time I rotate by flipping it into another bucket and stirring. After another 2-4 weeks I fill pots, plant, sit back and take some dabs :bongin:
    I will start my organic thread soon hopefully, which will go into more detail.
  15. Hello GC! Ran into a few snags in getting the room up and running this week, but should be replacing the soil in the tubs and finish sterilizing by next weekend. The clones are taking very well to their temporary new homes, and seeing as how it's A LOT cheaper to veg under t5's, I'm not overly upset about the wait. I also seem to have gathered a few mites while I was away! :eek: Promptly hit them with some AzaMax mixed with a bit of Cold Processed Squid and will continue to watch them very closely. More updates to come!

    The growth on the clones. Getting a little taller, but I topped almost all of them before I left, so mostly node growth-


    A Kandy Kush in the 3 gallon showing her stuff-


    Girl Scout Cookies-


    Blue Dream showing ya a little node on node-


    My current favorite smoke, Harlequin! -


    Oh, and I found this bad boy at home depot while looking for supplies for my closet grow! Never seen anything like it! $50 is there for size comparison. 300w CFL putting off 4400 Lumens! Had to have it at only $14-


    Mites aside, everything seems happy! Questions and suggestions welcome, thanks for stopping in! :smoking:
  16. Well another globe for that mean arse light contraction..looking good.
  17. Shit tats a big ass cfl lol 300 watrs wow...wonder how tat will do
  18. Hate to be a naysayer, but that light is only 64 actual watts. I have the same one, it works great. Just don't think you're getting 300.
  19. What are the dimensions of your room?

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