I'll have a feeling there's someone else in the room other then me, I've had what looked like a shadow man in my dark laundry room walk through me and give me serious chills....I just thought nothing of it though.
Yeah every once in awhile I get a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Not like a normal fear or a worry for no reason. Kinda just like a chill up my spine. Sometimes try to get out of the area when that happens. The one time it happened at a concert with my buddy. So I said to him we should head towards the coat check to go smoke a cig. Someone got stabbed right where we were standing once we were about ten feet away. Freaked me out and him too. He said from now on he wants to know when I get that feeling because bad shit usually happens right afterwards, and that incident solidified it. Try not to take it too seriously but if I'm in a stecky spot to begin with then I'm out or keeping an eye open.
One of the things I've learned over the years is listen to my gut when it tells me something. Too many times it has saved my butt, well I mean saved my life more than a couple of times. Years ago, when I was young, after having one of these episodes I talked to an old timer, a retired Army colonel, who told me to always listen to your gut it never lies. Call it what you will, six sense, foresight, he was right. Cheers