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  1. So i was wondering, if i buy a medical card, can i use it at any dispensary?:confused:
  2. If I buy a Best Buy gift card....can I use it at Best Buy?
  3. Hon, it would REALLY help to know what state you are in! The laws vary quite a bit!

    In California, here's how it goes.

    First you get a copy of your medical records from your regular doctor. Then you make an appointment with the "pot doc". You get an exam, pay the cute receptionist and she hands you a letter, signed and sealed by the doc- that is your recommendation. You are now legal! :hello:

    About the card(s). There are two basic types- the (unnecessary) county card which, for most folks, is a waste of money- but if you are a "cop magnet", they can be useful.

    And then there is the dispensary / club card which you will need! To get a club card, you will need your original recommendation and to go in for the first time during your pot doc's business hours. The dispensary will call up the doc to verify that you are a legit patient. They will then give you an ID card for their dispensary only. These cards are usually free.

    If you want to use other dispensaries, you will need to get another card from them. Same deal- go during the doctor's business hours with the original rec, so they can verify you.

    I'm getting quite a collection of dispensary cards! lol

    Granny :wave:

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