An astronaut crash lands on a mysterious planet only to discover he's not alone. John Wick clone Adam Driver leads this 'twisted' sci fi /monster hunt thing for 93mins of flashing cgi and wouldn't you for the money he's being paid, its one of those try hard, really hard, no more hard, movie's where the actors align with their story, 1 step forward, 2 steps back, with the odd monster thrown in, just to keep this 'robison crusoe affair' going to a satisfying climax.... tho it does have many overtones(too many) to the recent tv sci fi 'The last of us' Stoner Value - Medium (try's to hard, with such a shallow story) lol
heres a hint: nothing too big in the weapons area to big means the dinos die quicker a good movie but destroyed, by the way over the top exposure of A.Driver who like Canoe Reeves can act but lowers himself for cash. pity