Hi Guys, Its amazing that just when I think I know whats going on I come up with another question. I have 10 Easy Ryders on the way and am currently set up to welcome them with a 600w HPS hortilux. I have a couple of questions that im hoping people can help me with: 1. Is the 600w HPS Hortilux too much for seedlings... will it be detrimental to them? 2. Is a 600w HPS Hortilux ok to use throughout the entire life of an Auto? What should I expect If I go this route? Thanks for your help guys, im sure the girls will appreciate it. -Corp EDIT: It just occurred to me that my ballast will run HPS or MH and is both 600w and 400w... so a 600w/400w MH is an option if the 600w HPS is a no go for the full life cycle.
Ladies Arrived today! Last chance for anyone to tell me im about to do something that I shouldnt. Ill probably start the light pretty high... about 30" away.
As long as the light is far enough to not burn the seedlings you should be fine if the light is too close you can burn them if its too far they will start to stretch. I personally don't like to start with my HPS I just through in some fluorescents for the first 2 weeks specially if am starting off from germination and they work great.
Thanks Donkey - Would that be a temperature based burn or is it more like giving them too many footcandles/lumens at such an early stage?
it would be a heat burn for sure, there is not really such thing as too much light unless you get your hands on a light that is brighter than the sun and if you ever find such thing please let me know where you got it...lol. Make sure you got enough ventilation to clear out all the warm air every 6 - 9 min so the temperature docent rise above the plants tolerance. I keep my two 400w about 18 to 20 inches away from the tops of my plants so you might want to go a little higher with your 600w. Do try to do some research, here you cab find a lot of good articles and a lot of people that really know their stuff. good luck and let me know how everything goes
Check out the piece of information below from one of the diagnosing sick plants threads. I figured if that was indeed possible to give the plant too much light that there may be an amplified effect on seedlings. Here is the actual quote ( Click here for source ) This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like. Only way to fix this is to Move the lights away from the plant! Or make sure you dont go over 75 watts a sq foot, or your plant will have to much light and light bleaching can occur anywhere on the plant. (indica species seem to bleach easier than sativas imo.) (Picture Provided by Boy Howdy)
ya i have seen that article before but i seriously i think heat burn is a bigger problem than light bleaching. Anyways it looks like you are doing some good homework good luck man keep us posted.