I put down a White Widow seed almost 6 years ago and I'm still growing from it. I have replaced the motherplant every 6 months or so and I'm wondering for how long I'm able to use that plant. It was a good plant that used to yield very good quality stuff. But lately I feel like it's yielding less. I haven't been growing it in the same place. Been growing in many places but now it's growing in two places in very good conditions but I feel the buds are only half the size what I'm used to. And it's the same in both places. So for how long can you use clones from the same seed?
damn dude 6 years that's a long while. It shouldn't matter how long you keep using it. Have you done something different with your method? Different nutrients or anything?
Yeah I've done all kinds of different mediums and nutes in these years but now I feel it's just yielding less no matter where and how I grow it. There must be a limit to the years you can use a plant from the same seed. I'm getting curious what that limit is. But I'm definitely buying seeds soon. Just a bit of a hustle. I live in Iceland and it's an island with nightmare customs. And I think I'm on their shitlist
there is no limit on how long you can take clones from the same clone, as long as you keep it healthy.