6 week fast. I need tips

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Zr-01stamg, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So i have decided to go on a six week fast because i have a problem with self discipline also i need to do this to help my stomach issues. My mom is an LPN and says six weeks i will be approaching the point where muscle is sacrificed for food. If i take vitamins and keep hydrated i can avoid that.

    But i need advice on the mental part. Has anyone else done this? how can you make it easier to not eat. I can do it with will power but any help would be nice.
  2. Are you doing it for shamanic purposes? Food is fucking vital bro, you need calories. I don't think it will be worth it, you WILL sacrifice muscle tissue for caloric intake, and you WILL notice a fuck up in your metabolism when you start eating again. I'd suggest that you don't do it, but if thats your decision....
  3. You mean not eating at all? Muscle begins to get sacrificed for food after about 6 hours of not eating. Taking vitamins and drinking water wouldn't stop that.

    Don't do it, you could cause permanent damage to your body after a week. If your mom told you that then she needs to have her license revoked.

    If you do decide to do it, well I guess Darwin wins again...
  4. Not true. Not even a little true. Thinking such shows that you know little about the human body.

    Go for it OP. The longest fast I've engaged in was a month, for spiritual reasons. It's incredibly difficult for the first 4 or 5 days, but after you feel fine...perhaps even better than you do with food in your system. The body is resilient, and has more than enough stores for energy to use in place of food. Your body will begin creating ketones since your glycogen stores will be depleted, which will spare muscle breakdown for a bit.

    I really would not fast for any longer than a month though, OP. Whatever stomach issues you're having will be cleared up by then.
  5. If you're going to do this then go get some Chemstrip K strips. They are reagent strips that monitor ketone levels in your urine. You do not want to experience ketoacidosis.
  6. True. Very good thing to add, thanks man.

    You can get ketone strips from CVS, Walgreens, or Wal-Mart OP. They're generally kept with the diabetic supplies.
  7. It's not shamanistic style it's more of a spiritual thing a little introspection ya know? And this won't do any long term damage to my body as long as i keep what nutrients i do need in. I am also going to ease back into eating afterwards since if i gorge i;ll take on a ton of extra calories and such i don't need. thanks for the input everyone and wish me luck i started last night and i'm feelin pretty good.

    I have alot of stomach problems btw so i'm used to not eat for 4 days or so ya know>
  8. Hopefully you find your fast as fulfilling as I did, man. And I hope it helps with your stomach problems as well.

    Just remember, the craving of food is part of the battle. Self-denial will do a lot for a man.
  9. I fasted for 2 weeks once just to see what it was like, but i ate two meals on the weekends, and it wasn't really that bad. After about 2 days, my body stopped feeling hungry but i consistently felt weaker. I began drinking a lot of water mixed with lemon and one some days lemonade to replenish my sugars and that seemed to work fine, but i have a small figure, only about 140 and 5'7. As long as you go everyday without thinking about food and you don't schedule in meals like most people do, you will be fine.
  10. thanks alot for the kind words everybody. I;ll update it all at the end and tell everyone if anything good came out of this.
  11. I as a Muslim fast 1 month, two times a year and actually it is very easy it sounds hard but your body is capable of living 3 weeks without food so i think from sunrise to sunset would be fine.:rolleyes:
  12. i feel like a 6 week fast would kill me. i barely weigh 110 when i eat daily.
  13. 6 weeks would kill you.

    *smart talk* your bodies main source of energy is carbs (carbs being the things that are in everything you eat, which give you a good source of energy, making them the bodies main source) now, that does not mean they are the only source. Lipids are next (lipids being fat) *

    so................ the fatter you are, the longer you can fast.

    you should just eat little and exercise to burn some carbs, and drink lots of water
  14. 6 weeks. I am sorry for any offence I type....

    Staving is somehow going to help you become disciplined?

    110 lbs, burns approx 1400 calories per pay to maintain. Subtract 1400 x 42 days. Only result is that you will need only 2 pawlbearers at your funeral.

    Are you going on TPN? G or J tube?

    My Medical Background is confidential, but there.
  15. sounds easier than it is. gum lots of it

    the third day will be the worst

  16. Yea, true, but you need to feed the body fat, in order to keep a " heathy" ketosis.

    I would hammer down maybe 4 tbl of Olive Oil, along with the fast, calories and Fat,

    just my 2c

    (Im on Keto right now accually)
  17. Ya I'm a Muslim too but I fast 1 month 1 time a year. (Every year, the month of fasting starts 20 days before the last month of fasting.) This year it was End of August Till End of September. I did it from sunrise to sundown. I'd have no clue how I would go about food for 6 weeks without no food even at night.

    Also, just wondering, do you smoke weed on your fast? Or is it just from food?
    cuz there's no way I could be fasting from food with the munchies :smoking:
  18. #18 purplenuggets, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Yeah you're right, because malnutrition, ketoacidosis, and atrophy of vital tissues is extremely healthy for your body.
  19. I would suggest consulting a licensed physician before doing something so ridiculous. Maybe he get get your head straightened out.

    If you really want to practice self discipline, try not masturbating for 6 weeks, or not smoking or drinking for 6 weeks, or not watching tv or going on the internet for 6 weeks, or something like that. I can't even begin to understand why you would abstain from food from 6 weeks. It really baffles me when people want to do things like this.
  20. this. fasting for 6 weeks seems a bit unhealthy. i lost 45 pounds from not eating right and honestly it takes a serious toll on your body

    good luck if you go for it but remember, all the discipline in the world won't matter if your dead

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