6 Things You Won't Believe Are More Legal Than Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Communisaurus, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Cracked.Com
    #6 A lightsaber and blaster rifle
    #5 Purchasable Real Tanks
    #4 Deadly Exotic Animals
    #3 Projectile Explosives
    #2 DXM (Robotussin)
    #1 Cookbooks for Crime

    This one was mehh.... but its marijuana related, and worth throwing into anti-weed people's faces (especially the NRA and Star Wars Fanatics.)
  2. wtf is a purchaseable real tank?
  3. btw these 2 right here >>A lightsaber and blaster rifle<< don't actually exist;)

  4. did you click the link?
    obviously not haha.
    check it first.

  5. #6 Might give you a slight burn or cause fire. they are not very lethal or practical weapons, far from the ones you see on "star wars."
    #5 The gun does not work on these tanks.
    #4 Most of the time you have to have a permit to own one. even if i had a neighbor with a pet bear i wouldn't be that worried, there not very many things that can't be killed with a 12 gauge if needed.
    #3 The website severely simplifies the process's that go into getting one. I challenge anyone to try and procure one legally. just go and see where that takes you.
    #2 The only reason this is legal is because the media hasn't become completely fixed on it. once they are it will probably be illegal.
    #1 Freedom of the press.

    It doesn't really matter if these things are legal or illegal anyway. you could probably find them all on the black market if you looked hard enough.
  6. um how about:

    1. Opiates
    2. Cocaine
    3. Meth

    those are the ones I can think of, they're all more legal than weed. Enough said
  7. Those are in now way shape or form more legal than weed...
  8. Unless you're talkin about scheduling since they are all schedule II (can be prescribed) where marijuana is not...
  9. Yes they are, weed is schedule I and those are schedule II and lower. That makes them legal for medical use. It also technically means it is supposed to be more strictly enforced, though this obviously isn't true for weed. Regardless, by definition schedule I drugs are "more illegal" than schedule II or lower.
  10. what i cant believe is more legal than weed is alcohol :eek:
  11. JIMSON WEED!!!! 9/10 people who take the tea are either hospitalized or dead ad its guaranteed to give u the worst trip of ur life yet ur allowed to grow the plant and consume it. To name a few more: Salvia, Morning Glory seeds, Nutmeg (Yes u can do nutmeg), wild lettuce, tylenol 3/Codeine (over the counter), cigarettes and alcohol of course. :smoke:
  12. This has nothing to do with the lesser of two evils.

    This has to do with money. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Greed is what put both of these products in their current legal state.
  13. Did you all know that real opium poppy seeds are 100% legal in the US? In fact you can buy them online. 100% legal.
  14. Salva Divinorum !
  15. You haven't bought a tank yet? What are you, fuckin living in a cave?
  16. #16 Trueblade, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2010
    Yes. Simple. To the point. And exactly.

    Remember, in the 1920's, they abolished alcohol, but brought it back when they were like....well shit....fighting 90000 gangs, whom are paying off our police isn't working..............

    Truth be told, if us stoners weren't so intent on things like peace and video games, we'd probably have established a mafia too at some point. Though granted, that takes a lot of work, and it's probably just not fun being high and leading a gang.

    When this country was settled, it was illegal NOT to grow hemp. If you owned a plot of land, the government had strict regulations not on what you could grow, but on what you HAD to grow. At the time, Hemp was used for many products, and I promise you.....George W Washington, a hemp farmer himself, didn't get the bright idea to sail across a fuckin river to victory if he wasn't high. That is a decision only a stoner would make. I mean, the Delaware? C'mon, look me in the eye and tell me he wasn't baked when he made that decision :)


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