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6 Noobish questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by H3cKz, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Hi, new member here
    I've got some question as a new smoker.
    1. I live near London (UK) what's a good price?
    2. How do you determine good product from playground shit?
    3. How do you find new 'dispensers'?
    4. How do you 'haggle' with someone that is overpricing?
    5. How much is a good amount for a single joint for 1 person?
    6. Considering I live in the UK, what makes a good stab-proof jacket?
  2. 1. Depends on the quality of bud
    3. Ask your friends that smoke who they get their bud from/if you can go with them on a pickup to meet their dealer
    4. If they're charging more than you want to pay either tell them thats all you have, or don't buy from them. Be sure to agree on a price before you meet them
    5. .3-.6g, I would recommend a glass spoon as they conserve more bud than a j since the j is always burning
    6. Chain mail. ThinkGeek :: Chain Mail Shirt
    No I'm not kidding.
  3. 1.I dont know how it is in the uk but over her its like this

    10$=Gram of Mid grade weed
    20$=Gram of High Grade weed
    35$=3.5 (three and a half) grams of mid grade weed
    70$=3.5 grams of Good shit
    convert that to euros and i thinks thats it

    2.go to the top of this page and look for photo gallery and look for pictures of weed on there search for "Mids" (Mid grade weed) and "Dank" (High quaulity weed)

    3.Just ask someone who you know who smokes to get you a dealer
    4.You dont you know the fucking prices and buy or leave
    5.just put as much as you can in but its normally .3-.6 for 1 joint
    6.NO ONE is going to stab you over weed so chill

    Dude just remember Be discreet,Be cool,and when you do smoke after taking your hit take in a huge breath of air like you just came up from under the water without any air
  4. ^ Has no idea how fucked up the UK is.
  5. Wear b ball shorts and a karate robe with a black belt on it.

    Walk up calmly and it shit starts to go down, just start screaming in japanese and kartwheel away.

    No one wants to fuck with a crazy guy.

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