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6 gs of mids or 2 gs of dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chillumss, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Here's the deal. I can get 6 gs of mids (no, i don't like mids) for $30 or 2 gs of dank for $40. I am only willing to spend 40 all together, because my money has to last me through next thursday. I will be smoking my sack with a friend tomorrow night, but may or may not tonight. What would you do?
  2. 6g...but then again more is better in my opinion.
  3. get both and sell the mids for $10/g. then you're only paying 10 bucks for 2g's of dank
  4. Go dank or go home, that's my motto.
  5. Mids, when money is a factore quantity > quality. When you're shitting bills quality > quantity.​
  6. depends on the quality of the mids...if it's good mids, get the mids. If not, idk proly dank.
  7. I really don't mind mids, I love beasters and I prefer fire bud, but I'd personally get 6G's instead of 2, that's a way better deal unless you're picky; it will last you MUCH longer especially if you don't have a lot of cash. You'll still be able to get high, you probably won't be able to notice a difference in the high honestly.:smoke:

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