6" 8" or 10" net pot 5 gal Bubble Bucket lid?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 141820, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I was just wondering what the best size to go with is 6" 8" or 10" netpot lid for a 5 Gal Bubble Bucket? I only plan on growing 2 plants in 2 BB's in possibly a grow tent. I just wanted some input from someone who has used these any of these. Thanx for the info!
  2. nothin again DAMN!
  3. I've used both 6 and 8". If you have a strain that is going to be big, go with the 8". A smaller plant can use a 6".

  4. The bigger the netpot the lower in the bucket it will sit. The lower your netpot sits, the less nutrient solution the bucket will hold. I would go with the 6" based on that.
  5. Thank you i was thinking the 6" also just wanted a couple other opinions!

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