6/6 Supreme court ruling

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by yellowfish, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. The United States Supreme Court once again screws medical marijuana users. It ruled today (6 to 3) that people with chronic illnesses that legally (as far as their individual state is concerned) grow their own marijuana for medicinal purposes can still be prosecuted by the feds. The ruling stated that it would be too difficult to determine what was grown for personal/medicinal use and what was grown for sale or interstate commerce.

    One bright spot was that three of the most conservative justices stated that states should be "laboratories of democracy" meaning that Congress should not be sticking their noses into State affairs.

    Anyone have any comments? This really puts a damper on my plans to open a marijuana club in RI when it passes it's medical marijuana act!
  2. yeah i just saw it on cnn.....(heh) when i was watching cnn cuz i'm high, and bored....well i saw "MEDICAL MARIJUANA" i instantly turned it up....and heared the results...

    i got mad....fucking government...........................its bullshit
  3. Ok, so the state says they can but the country says they can't? What kinda bullshit is that?! Our gov't is always freakin' contradicting itself and that's what pisses me off most about it (not to even get started on Bush's administration)!!
    blah....why don't they just make up their mind already
  4. Exactly. The Supremes basically said "We can't determine whether or not the marijuana you have was really home grown for personal use or not so we'll assume it was grown for commercial use." So much for innocent until proven guilty.
    229 years ago this country was formed out of a revolution against a tyrannical government unjustly interferring with the lives of it's citizens. What the Supremes are saying is screw our roots, screw the constitution, screw a government for the people and by the people. It's ok for the federal government to interfer when they see a revolution coming. Can anyone say "The British are coming! The British are coming!"?

    Join the Cause. Plant a seed. Spread the Word!

  5. Couldn't have said it better myself!

    FUCK the government. Grow it anyway. If enough people did, they wouldn't be able to stop it. Want proof that it'll work? Look what happened when the prohibition on alcohol came about... People kept making it, selling it, and drinking it so much that the government had no choice but to overturn their decision.
  6. Like the way you think! I too believe the only way to go is to grow. I encourage all that I meet to play Johnny Appleweed. Drop your bag seeds in public places (recently hydroseeded areas are great). If enough of us do it they won't be able to keep up. Force the government's hand. History has shown that freedom only comes to those who actively persue it!

    Join the Cause. Plant a seed. Spread the Word!

  7. send a letter! be involved! be an activist! get elected!!

    HELL YAH! :hello:
  8. That sound great. Seeing budplants popping up in random places, it would be like mother earth is rebelling against the tyrannic rot that has covered it.
    smoke weed.
  9. Also I quote from:http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/06/06/scotus.medical.marijuana/index.html

    "" "The trafficking of drugs finances the work of terror, sustaining terrorists," said President Bush in December 2001. ""

    If he can prove that connection I would willingly stick my head up my ass. And also this was in an article concerning the 6/6 decision of congress, but making medical marijuana illegal would only increase illegal trafficking.
    Nice double play bush.

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