hey guys so im a mflb user, and i've already gotten 1 taken away from my parents like 4 months ago and bought another. well before that i was caught 3 times with like cruddy pipes and stuff. so about 15 mins ago no joke, wasn't even vaping but i just had my vape lyin out and my dad came up and hes like what the hell come on again, you got another one? and he just lectured me saying all of his friends who smoked never accomplished anything with their lives, and how its a gateway drug, and he said i SHOULD smash it, but he isn't going to make me, then he said goodnight and left. So i'm kinda freakin out right now and thrilled at the same time that he didnt take my grinder, my eighth that i picked up like 3 days ago, my mflb, and my mflb power adapter that i got 2 weeks ago. He like went through it all and opened my grinder too it was really awkward and he just said that it's an escape from reality. So should i hide all my shit or should i just say fuck it and load up a bowl? by the way forgot to add that my parents are very anti weed, but the last time i got caught i sent my dad an email of the union so maybe that changed his opinions? plus i explained to him that the mflb was the healthiest way to smoke last time i got caught too. SO maybe his opinion is changing i don't know.
just don't leave your shit out, ever. and be stealthy when you vape. a good sploof can really be a lifesaver.
I learned this growing up with all kinds of things, non-weed things included. If you keep doing something consistently most of the time they'll tend to punish you less each time. I must have gotten caught 300+ (no shit) times from ages 15-17 and it seemed like two years into it they knew I wasn't going to stop and turned the other cheek. Then I turned eighteen and they pretty much quit period. Four years later after I've gotten a job and started working for my shit they've quit all-together. Unless you just quit outright it'll persist for a while. But the longer it goes on they'll either give up on it or grow a tolerance for it. Unless you're the dude with the parents who'll call the cops on you. Just be more careful each time you get caught. Don't leave shit laying around and designate a good hiding spot for it.
Weed is not for you. Quit now, until you move out. You obviously can't handle the responsibility yet.
Kudos to you for going about consuming it with a vaporizer as it is healthier but..If you live under your parents roof, if you pay rent or not. It's their property and legally if something were to happen, they would get in shit. (Hopefully you're over 18 and have knowledge of this) If they don't approve of you smoking/vaping in their house. don't do it. You should respect your parents enough to follow that simple rule, Regardless if they are ignorant or not when it comes to Cannabis.
If they have such an issue with it, I say respect their wishes until you have your own place. However, if that isn't an option, maybe you should be taking more precaution to hide it better. Obviously you aren't trying that hard if you keep getting caught
Don't leave it in the open and don't smoke it inside your parents house, obviously. That's just plain disrespectful if they aren't okay with it... Chill of your dad to do that though, your parents are definitely uneducated on the subject. IDK what you're doing buying a PA for it too though when you know your parents almost definitely could have taken it from you. Anyways, I just need to point out that you must be under 18 if your parents take your things when they don't approve...
Not true. They could turn around and say "fuck you and your pot go live somewhere else". It's happened more often than you would think.
what people dont understand is that it still messes up lives and ruins relationships and in the end your just getting high and it is addictive
You're really going to open that old can of miracle worms? Really? If you are such a weak minded person that you actually let cannabis have that much control over you, you were going to have your fair share of life issues in the first place. It's not physically addicitve, Sure it could be mentally but really you're not going to have fucking withdrawls or so suck a dick for weed. Obviously OP keeps getting caught while they live at home, either smoke outside or get your own place.
It's a habit, not an addiction... I can any day say "I'm not gonna smoke today" or "I'm not gonna smoke for a few weeks", and easily just ride out that amount of time. It's all in your willpower, if you're weak-minded then yea, weed will fuck shit up for you. I'm in a 1 year relationship right now, and while it's been going downhill lately it certainly isn't because of the weed.
if you're in their house and they're so anti-weed it'd be best to just chill with it for a while until you have your own place , or do it at friend's houses or something . as people have said since it's their property they could get in serious trouble if you ever got caught . but if you're still gonna do it , have some respect and just keep it away from them .
So you're comparing Cannabis to Crack? Wow, I guess those Drug 101 classes really helped you out eh? I will repeat...if you think for a second that Cannabis is PHYSICALLY addictice, you are missinformed. It CAN BE mentally addictive...If you really are that weak to the point where you let it control your life. I suggest you inform yourself before spewing useless bile across these pleasent boards. Thanks
I have been smoking weed for my fair share of time, but under no circumstances do I want my children to use. Once they have become productive citizens and have earned their education and show they can provide for themselves, I will burn with them any time. You live in your parents house, you need to live by their rules, if you don't like that, then go pay for your own place to live.