i had 2 in tray pots and one has die, slowly... the other is 5 n half ft was healthy as, then displayed same symptoms as the first. shade leaves wilt a little turning yellow brown from tips til death, then whole branches wilting and doing the same.???? have a couple others that are in garden near them that are fine but hydro seed so are mini buds early that are all hair with no real smell or stickiness . Ive always been pretty good out door but these have me broken heart , can this be recovered , the 5 ft one dieing ???????? i have been making oil off the leaf to survive... can post pics tomorrow in between crying bouts...
Well without seeing a pic it is hard to say what's going on for sure. If you want some immediate recovery on your plant I recommend foliar feeding (do this either in the morning early or in the evening when its cooler). Make a dose of nutrients about 1/4 strength (maybe 1/8th if really stressed) and spray them. Should see quick recovery but still is only a temporary solution to a permanent problem. I also recommend a flush. My guess is there was a ph imbalance or over fert. The reason I say this is because one plant already tanked. I'm guessing the other plant was more resistant but still could only last for so long. But pictures and a more in depth description will help. Edit: couple links you can look for yourself and see what the problem is maybe (wish there were more pictures included). http://www.growkind.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31070 http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 http://www.weedfarmer.com/cannabis/tables_guide.php Before adding more ferts make sure it isn't already an overfert problem or it will of course make things worst quickly.