56 watt LED plus 2 cfls

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by jugglastitch420, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 jugglastitch420, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    First Weeks of flowering Pics. These first couple weeks have only the 56 watt LED and an incandescent heat lamp. LOts of stretching this week, it was about 15 inches before transplant and it grew an inch on all branches already! I kept them in the dark for 2 days after i transplanted to really reduce the stress of a first timers transition [​IMG]">[​IMG]"]<a href="http://s1084.photobucket.com/albums/j411/tonysing87/?action=view&current=D
  2. Week 2 Of flowering with a little more goin on with the stretching.

    A bit slow I think because at this point the light was like 18 inches from the plant(before I knew it would be better for the light to be right up on it, and the slight lack of job a 56 watt LED does.)


    some 2-3 inches of stretching in the first couple weeks shows it can thrive in this light.
  3. WEEK 3 of the babies and looking good. well tell me what you all think. For the set up i think its going ok. Ive been learning more and more about powerful LEDS and Im thinking I neeeeedddd to buy an nicer LED for premium results. Lets roll wit what we got!!


  4. WEEK 4 of Flowering and nice pistils shooting out among all nodal locations throughout the plants. LED lights dont suck as much moisture from plant soil as HPS or HID so when doing so with LED....use a lower concentration of nutrients and water less frequent but quench that baby when you get her wet.



    2 weeks from now i get a new 180 watt blackstar LED with a 2 watt chipset! If i had started with everything i needed(MORE LIGHT) these squaklings would be majestic young screamers by now! but that is why we have second grow attempts.

    Here is the mighty fourth week flush! I may have underestimated the power of my 56 watt!?

  5. Sup bro'....That 56watt led looks like it would work great for veg, but the plants dont look like their getting enough light 4 weeks into flower. Im guessing you have the led an inch off the top? if you want to improve the lower buds, use a few cfl's. Just two cfls will double the yield of what you'd get with just the led alone and you'll improve the quality too, while 4 will put a big smile on your face at harvest. Just a thought, but it would be a cheap way to get more out of your harvest....gl
  6. #6 jugglastitch420, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    yeah Bumma I know! I did add 2 Cfls but not until week 5 and i put the new 180 watt led by week 7, and I DID NOT have the 56 w panel to the buds. They were appx. 18 inches from the plant tops. i know right! Way too high for an led panel.
  7. WEEK 5 EVERYBODY! that LED watering schedule I was talking about was something I did not yet know at this stage, so i was encountering a nutrient burn. Not overwatering or anything but a normal dose of nutrient stayed in the soil longer because the soil stayed moist longer, in turn did not give me more opportunity to water out the nute.


  8. WEEK 6! around days 40-44 The yellow fly tape for fungus gnat problem. it seems like they never really went away.:eek: but i kept up a good fight. all the way up until week 8 they will be presently waging a fetus bombing into my soil. I used diatamacious earth when the top soil went dry, but with LED the soil doesnt get dry for like 6 days between waterings. By the time it is dry it has already missed a watering cycle and nutrients!:mad: so i didnt know what to do?





  9. Hey jugglastitch!

    If were talking about maturity (ripeness), then there is always that perfect moment to harvest that everybody talks about, the cloudy - amber trichs question, and the answer to when that perfect moment is, is very individual depending on taste. Early harvest = heady high, Late harvest = body high. The only way to get good at knowing when to harvest is to grow and study the plant/pistills/trichomes so you know what it will look like in different stages of flowering. From my experience, the maturity process in the bud will go on in the excisting flowers even if the growth is stunted so in that sense your dud:z will probably be smokeable, but adding another week or two wont make it worse in any way, it will just change the character of the weed. The hardest thing to do when u start growing is to let the bud:z get fully ripe, but the last week/weeks in the flowerincycle is worth waiting for so what u could do, is try harvesting some smaller budz now, some in a week and then another couple till u have grown the plant all the way out thru the flowering cycle, that way u now what kind of maturity u want in your weed when u start up your next run, and u will also get familiar with the different stages of flowering. By the looks of it u still have new growth showin in the bud(white hairs), so if they were my bud:z, i would wait a bit...

    Adding more light to your grow will make your next run a totally different story and it will reduce stretch and increase the size of your bud:z and overall yield...:D But imo, adding more light this far into the floweringcycle wont increase the yield this time, maybe a little but no wonders will take place if u know what i mean, the damage was done earlier when the plant was stunted and also because of the light-issue. But as i said man, just wait untill your next grow...;)

    The best way to know is to grow, and for being your first run, i think u have done good, bud:z lookin crispy and all that :). Theres always a lot of learning-issuse the first time, like how high above the canopy u should hang your light and the nutes thing. But u have already been thru those so cant wait to see what u will do next dude.

    Good luck with everything, keep postin pictures, thats a good way to get help from other growers out there...

    take it easy man!

  10. Tellus,

    thank you so much for the input! im bout to post weeks 7 and 8 for ya. currently maybe at the final days! cant wait to hear your what you gotta say today!:hello:
  11. WEEK 7! got the NEW LIGHT this week!:hello: Proly wont see to much of a difference tho. Next grow is gonna be really sweet.

    This week flies are a pain in my pants! Those fungus gnats just multiply like fleas in shag rug! Replacing tape weekly since i put it down in the soil to get those MFkers as soon as they come out. Diatomacious earth is down there but they must have really laid em big last week or somethin cuz there were like 30 on the fly tape! and hella movement in the soil! I dunno. it has been a crazy first grow yall. Trimmed some burned tips and dead leaves bout to fall off at the bottoms. For the most part I left the bottom lower buds alone and they have been growing alright to my surprise.





  12. WEEEK 8 !!!
    Flies are still a constant battle with my grow. im sure it stunted growth. I think they got pretty deep or sumthin. not to mention I dont think I had enough soil for the top soil. if yanow wattImean? I think they penetrated to close to vital roots. ANyway week 8 is looking candy and i cant wait to eat it! I have determined by trichomes it could go another few days.

  13. UHHH yeah sooo! week 8 kinda came without sign and went. so were in week 9 now and its lookin time to harvest. AND evenn flies after I flushed! DAMN THINGS.

    heres some pics

  14. Bummer about the flys. I always thought the first few runs where about learning, not really about the amount you get. Every run will be easier than the last. Looks like your off to a decent start. mcl
  15. Thnx mang! i will be posting up my new grow next week. thnx MMFCLxvII
  16. Wow dude, your grow is freaking sweet. You're plant looks crazy in the lights. lol. So you're growing in soil?

    How many lights are you running right now? And what are they? Two LED lamps or or just one large watter? Does the large one put off a lot of heat? Are you having heat issues? Some of the plants will be further slowed down by heat.

    Are these sativa dominant plants? If they're under-lit as some people seem to be suggesting, then you may want to let them go an extra week or two. But you may want to be careful of mold if they humidity is very high always.

    One thing you can try is cutting a clove of garlic in half and putting it a couple of inches into the soil. It should kill everything nasty in the soil. If not this grow maybe next. I'm not sure if it'd effect the taste of the flowering buds or not.

    Thanks for stopping in my grow and I'll try to stick around. Congrats on your buds. They really fattened up recently from the photos. Looks like you'll have a pretty decent pull. :D Enjoy. :D
  17. What Strain are you growing? bagseed?

    Welcome to GC and your plants are neat!
  18. Right now Its week 10 for my Purple Gorillas. Mostly Indica dominant hybrid and they have been nicely maturing further like you also mentioned. I studied the trichome and new pistils shooting out as a go for a couple extra weeks with the big bertha(180 watt LED 2 watt chips) and that little big man(56 watt LED). With all units running, including the two 23 watt cfls on the lower side, it registered at 76-81 F, with a humidity ranging from 40-55%. Ive got nice computer fans blowing in and sucking out at sealed tent ducting spots. Its the CFL's that kick the heat up really, I read that the heat they produce is a booster for producing vital sugars for bud production, but I notice it throws off the intense light that the LED gives off. are they interrupting the LEDs, or does it not bother the plant from extracting its(LEDs) vital wavelengths? anyway...I have a panel and a biggie UFO type a thing. 11th generation USA unit, and those cfls on the side, a oscilating fan, and intake/outtake. NICE FLY KILLING TIP!!! Soil grow. fasho co co coir next time. thanx for the feedback! :wave:
  19. Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be here!
  20. Okay So i have decided to finish this journal 100%...kinda didnt want to because of the weak yield. but it was a good learning experience and It should be posted.


    right off the chopping block! Smelled purple dank as hell in my house. i didnt care tho. dont need to worry bout that here.


    Shes all trimmed up n ready to be in the box.


    This is a nice pic in my opinion.


    This is the box! Whatchu thank!?


    This was really fun actually! It filled up in there, so im gonna have to get a bigger box for the next grow.(current LED grow).


    I stenciled my fans on the box; cut it out to be little tighter fit; pulled nylon over the fan and into the box, then taped the inside nylon to the box so it was snug.


    Fillin er up!



    Smoke report!

    Purple Gorillas Indica dominant

    Grade: A

    earthy and fruity flower aftertaste, especially after longer curing.(not chemically at all to my surprise)

    Smell: Toucan Sam aint got shit on me! Smelled like purple, and kept nasal senses quenched.

    Affects: numbed and soothed the annoyance of lingering headaches/migranes/or pain. Relaxing, anti anxiety soar above the canyons on a overcast spring day. Really peaceful purpose.

    Looks: Covered with trichomes and sticky to the touch. Looks like fruity pebbles with extra sugar.

    Yield: a miserable12 grams of some amazing production. It saddened me that that is all that we got. Was a successful grow overall; despite the serious lack of LED power in it; which directly killed my yield.


    Anyway, Duck on in to me next grow if ya would

    Thank you all for chiming in with advice and juicy tid bits, n rep. much love and good night.

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