i seem to get this page every other time or so i try to navigate between pages. anybody else have this problem?
I have gotten it a few times. I suspected the fact that I use Tor and proxies but apparantly that is not the case.
I applied some tweaks to the server and it should not happen again. If anyone will face this issue can you please post me a detailed how to reproduce so i can try reproducing it.
For my part it's been totally random so it isn't reproducible, but again I use a lot of obfuscation most of the time so I can't be sure that Tor doesn't contribute to it. I never mentioned it to SJ because I figured it was just one of those things and it happened only a few times.
Just got it. Was trying to close a reported thread and had a couple other threads loading up and got in all windows: 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/0.8.50
I just got that again trying to go to any page, and then I got the 'cannot connect' page for a bit too. Im guessing you were working on something?