.50 caliber pipe

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by thejoeker, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Made this on Friday and thought I'd share with the class.
    I made it out of an inert .50 caliber sniper round that I bought online.
    I made the bowl out of the projectile itself and the rest is the casing, the choke is located where the firing pin strikes the round to ignite the primer. I drilled a hole into the side of the casing and used a C-clamp to wedge the bullet in place.

    I'm still trying to think of a name for it, so far all I've come up with is the obvious "The Sniper". If you have any ideas let me know.

    Attached Files:

  2. sweet pipe dude, call it gunny :smoke:
    Got any pictures looking down into the bowl?
  3. here's the inside of the bowl.

    Attached Files:

  4. That's sick bro how about naming it Barrett? Like the gun that uses .50 cal rounds. Sounds kinda like a name too.
  5. I would call it " One shot One KILL " or " You can run but you'll only die tired"

    a+ bro I like it a lot.
  6. the one shot one kill
    or one *hit*
  7. I second this:hello:
  8. I just thought of another one. " head shot"
  9. copper is kindof dangerous to smoke out of because it oxydises with heat, and copper particles get sucked through, and wasnt there lead in the center of the projectile? this might be better as a conversation piece...just my input. sick idea though
  10. have fun getting lead poisoning!

    looks cool though!

  11. was thinking the same thing
  12. There's no lead in a brass casing and he's probably cleaned it once, already.

    That won't happen.
  13. Toking tools have evolved from pretty colors, to 'Toking Tool of Death.'
    I love it!
  14. #14 fenix420, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    OP, is the bowl (not the shell) made of copper?

    copper and aluminum are among the most toxic things to fashion out of a bowl.

    Use either brass, steel, or clay. Trust me.
  15. call it "RELOAD" that thing is dope if its not toxic or whatever:smoke:if it is i hope u can return the bullet like that
  16. The only proper name for it is The Gray Matter Splater
  17. Pretty fucking schweet man.
  18. #18 walowan, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011

    What an idiot...brass is a copper and zinc alloy sometimes with added lead. What makes you think brass is any better than copper?

    name calling doesn't fly here man. /pawlywog

  19. I'm almost positive that when 2 alloys are bonded, they create a totally new metal. Just because it does technically have copper in it, the melting point of brass is much higher because of the bonding with zinc ( ~1650º F). Your lighter isn't going to reach anywhere near that heat. So unless you're smoking inside of a kiln or something, brass is the safest metal to smoke out of.

    and keep your petty insults to yourself if you want to last here.

  20. And what makes you think a lighter will heat copper enough to melt it? I don't think so...

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