5 tips to survive high school as a stoner

Discussion in 'General' started by SwagCaleb, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. I kinda wanted to make this thread for the lurking high school kids that come onto this site, and even though I'm a senior, (18 ), I've learned quite a bit about being a stoner in high school. So without further ado, SwagCaleb's top 5 tips to survive HS as a blazer will now commence.

    1. Don't bring bud to school.
    I mean this one sincerely. Please don't try it, because there's always a chance you'll get your ass busted. If you drive to school and think your weed will be safe in your car, at least park off school grounds so the school can't search your car if drug dogs seem to catch a scent of skunk.

    2. Go to school high at least once.
    I recommend that you try this at least once if you haven't already. Just make sure to put in clear eyes and take a shower after you wake&bake, or axe& clear eyes if you smoke right before school.

    3. Don't tell just anyone that you smoke.
    It's okay to mention it if you know for sure that the person you're talking to smokes, but if you're just telling everyone, not a good idea. For example, in sophomore year I had a couple friends over and we smoked over the weekend, and all I hear about next week is my friend told so and so that he smoked with me the past weekend. Almost got us in trouble too. Word travels fast to teachers/principals.

    4. Become friends with all the smokers
    Definitely a good idea, because you can gain new connects from the whole thing, and plus you get new smoking buddies.

    5. Other unmentionables aren't worth it.
    The 3 letter drug would be accepted, and something that rhymes with rooms would be okay too, but anything else is just dumb. Be smart. Stick to earthy green.
  2. Tip 1-5. Don't smoke in highschool.
  3. -Dont go to school high. Ever.
  4. Psychedelic brooms?
  5. Nice tips, I agree you shouldn't let people know you're a stoner. I use to tell people all the time because I thought it was cool (I was young) but bragging about it is actually not cool and can fuck up your reputation.
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  6. [quote name='"KillerKush"']Psychedelic brooms?[/quote]

    Yeah bro. On the spot.
  7. #7 p00nd, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2011
    the 3 letter word is fucking retarded what are you thinking lol
    what a stupid fucking guide
    and those "tips" are common sense man... If you don't know these you shouldn't even be smoking.
    I thought this was gonna be a guide to "do good" in school while being a stoner.
    all you gave tips on was how to BE a stoner in high school, not how to survive as one??
  8. I can't think of the three letter drug for the life of me....
  9. pot..
  10. don't come to school with weed on your person.

    just don't do it.
  11. #11 ricekrspysquare, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2011
  12. .
  13. i was thinking xtc hahahahahaha maybe im just that stoned..
    but yeah that shit is stupid dont fuck with it
  14. Yeahhh lets make some snarky remarks yeahhhh :p

    I know what he was really talking about

  15. You cant talk about that.
  16. - Don't go to school high
    - Don't bring drugs to school
    - Don't sell weed
    - Don't act like you're hot shit cause you smoke a plant
    - Respect the herb, and it will respect you back
  17. Its called Highschool for a reason.
  18. dont go to school high.
  19. I wouldn't say never go to school high...

    Just not when there's shit goin on that day. Wait till the end of the year. Make sure your grades are at least Cs throughout the year and once you get to the end of the year you can slack off a little and come to school high every once in a while, + it'll be just starting to get warm. And you don't do shit at the end of the year a lot of the time. Last week is a joke so I would suggest that to be a good time.
  20. Okay, as someone who was expelled from highschool for smoking on school grounds(wasn't even close to the school), I may have some tips. Never bring your paraphernalia into school, that's how we were caught out. Never do your deals in school. Thats a really stupid way to get caught, bunch of other people got expelled for that too. If you smoke before school make sure not to be on the grounds, take a ride with a friend or something, that's what I always did. Be prepared with visine and axe, two life savers I always have with me, oh and gum or mints is a good idea.
    High school is basically the best part of your life. Not as much stress as college, and a relatively easy work load. If you can balance out the schoolwork and keep enjoying the herb than go for it. Just be careful what you do in or around school or you could get slammed

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