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5 Months smoking.. Apprentice smoker? I'm New here

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chillandsmoke, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. #1 chillandsmoke, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    supp guys,
    im from houston

    I been smoking for about 5 months(May 2010) so I don't know what I'm classed as, but I do have some gnarly stoner stories nonetheless already :smoke:

    The best strains I've smoked areeee:
    White Widow
    OG Kush
    and Fire Shwag

    Supp guys?
  2. this thread is going to get moved, but whats goooood!

    delete the thing about your age before you get banned! do it now!
  3. Nothing much but you might want to make another thread to say goodbye :wave:
  4. schwag????????

  5. lol i know not that great but i just remembered ive done chronic which i remember being like 1000 times better so lets go with that haha
  6. welcome here.

    yes there is seasoned and apprentice tokers section but its not like high school, we dont classify or split are selves into the too groups ;)

    if you dont know, dont have experience or just a have question you are an apprentice in that part. like i have been smoking a long time and know alot about certain parts of cannabis, but some parts like the growing i have no clue at all cause i never took the time to learn it yet as i dont grow.

    but ya dude enjoy the low tolerance, i think its better to be a fairly new beginner then a season pro. you get more out of it i believe.

    and you dont have to prove to anyone you're seasoned, not required.
    just chill out learn about the herb or have a good time.


  7. Thanks man. From your word, seems like we have some real good true stoners chillin here. Glad I'm apart:smoking:

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