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.5 G weed.. what to make?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by PriMo XVII, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I have roughly 1/2 a G of weed. I want to make something to eat or drink rather than smoke.


    and it cant make the apartment smell TOO much, and it cant be anything that will create smoke because our smoke detector is broken and over sensitive.

  2. Make firecrackers. They BARELY smell. I never even smelled mine at all. And it was PERFECT i got super blazed off .5

    I was DONE man. Literally it was awesome. Maybe you have a wicked tolerance or something but i guarentee thats the way to get the most out of .5 if you dont wanna smoke it.

    Just do a quick search, theres tons of awesome guides on this site.
  3. also we would have to split it between 3 people
  4. Three heads will be very dissapointed with half a G of edibles. Gotta smoke it man.

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