5 days old from sprout tell me how it looks? (Help) Pic

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HighABDG, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Im worried on how small it is I want your guys's opinion and tips I would appreciate it

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  2. what's your lighting? you feeding it nutes at all?
  3. Just sunlight n ive been told not to use any nutes so I havent have I been told wrong ?
  4. no, you're right, just checking. but i've never seen something like that, doesn't hurt to just let it grow out and see if it fixes itself, some plants are just retarded and grow oddly
  5. True hopefully it does im thinking even if it has deformed leaves it should still produce buds but ill have to wait
  6. Give it more time.
  7. I have one that started like that.....came in very weird stages too.....2 sets of first leaves with one set fallin off when new set came in....then stemmed out just 1 leaf....after that it. Has justbeen branchin off of The branches.....everyone said just let it go and see what happens.....here is a pic at 3 weeks

  8. yee mane it all good.. it just might get along a bit slow.. time combined with some care and smart choices will make a fine plant
  9. smurfette that plant doesnt look too bad at all in case you were wondering...:smoke:
  10. That sprout looks way weird. Maybe it's just an oddball pheno. I'd def grow that out to see what she is.
  11. Hey just wondering how ur sprout is doin?......this is mine (from the pic) and SHE Is a week into vegg......lmao she is so funny lookin....she has 2 1/2 diff heads its weird but maybe it will mean she is gonna be super dank! :~) I flowered her young cause I was thinkin it was a male or somethinn weird and wanted to kill it off....ibut here she is


  12. The leaf discoloration is from nute water splashing on the leaves (I didn't take the most careful time with it bc it was such a wierdo and didn't think it was a girl let alone gonna show anything at all)

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