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4g dank pickup and small mini bong

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ello, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. #1 ello, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    So this is my first mini bong I got. Just wanted to get something small and functional with a cheap price. I got this since my glass pipe smashed about 3 weeks ago

    Anyways the day my pipe smashed I took a 3 week break and thats when I finished the last of the 7gs I picked up b4, today the 3 weeks were done, rolled a joint and smoked with some friends and man did we get high, the high last for hours it joke, gonna rip the mini bong later tonight.

    My guy said it was northern lights X bc bud, now its prolly not legit but it has quite a few crystals under good light and smells very minty and pretty dense.

    I live an hour north east of Toronto and paid $40 for the 4grams and I took all the pictures with my iphone 3gs =/ sorry not high quality


    Ignore that little stem below just sitting there,

    could of done without the Amsterdam writing but whatever

    No idea why it has a carb and a slide, but whatever. doesnt matter can always plug the hole

    comment guys and tell me what you think on pickup and the mini bong:wave::smoke:
  2. pics make it looks like mids where i'm from...correct me if i'm wrong. but hey, it gets you high so who cares :smoking:
  3. if you saw it in person it would be better no question but not everyone has an amazing hd camera to bring out the crystals and such on the bud =/ sorry, but man was the high good earlier today
  4. that bud looks pretty good. I like the bong, but why does it have a carb if it's already GonG...
  5. find a cool looking cork for the bong. It would complement the mushroom. :smoke:
  6. too be honest I have no idea, Ill prolly plug it up somehow permanently but its not that much of a big deal, maybe clear some extra stale smoke? who knows really lol
  7. why would you plug the carb up... thats a sick ass bong, decent bud doesnt look too dank but at 10/g cant go wrong, enjoy
  8. nice i like it :) check out my stuff
  9. thats mids bro not dank.... lol

  10. mids...dank...doesnt really matter, got me pretty high last night regardless
  11. I agree liqweed that would compliment the bong real nice give a real nice earthy look to it.

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