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4FOOTHITS: 77.3 Grams of Black Hash & 39 Grams of kief

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 4FootHits, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. That's a fucking big ass piece of hash, you Canuck's really know how to get down:smoking:. I'd love to help you put a big dent in that, enjoy Bro.
  2. pretty fucking impressive.
  3. One word. WOW.
  4. Nice you shluld be stoned for a good lil bit
  5. damn bruh dats crazy but really i gotta kno..HOW LONG HAVE YU HAD DAT LIGHTER FOR???
    i must kno lmao
  6. holy crap, haha yeah he's gonna be baked for a while
  7. Wow man fly some of that stuff east to ontario il meet ya LMAO. Nice pickups dude, cant wait to see the buds.
  8. That kief brick looks like you just dug up an old ancient hockey puck. :thumbsup:

  9. You have to smoke a whole gram to get high? I would think like .2 or .3 would do the trick. Using a gram to get high isn't very economically efficient to say the least lol, especially considering you say a gram runs 20-25 dollars. Nice pick up though, can't say i've ever seen that much hash.

  10. It wasn't him who said a gram runs for $20-25.
  11. I just made a mess in my pants looking at all that hash and kief. Damn dude happy blazin!
  12. wow...10 a g for that hash is really good...that stuff looks yummy...and all i have to look forward to is an 1/8th of shitty mids that I have to walk 35 min in the cold to go get later :p
  13. Ehh, depends on the time of day.. If I havnt eaten anything, or its early in the morning.. .5 will get me fried. I usually smoke a gram of it for my eyes to feel heavy, lol.

    When I smoke hash outa this double perc its almost too smooth.

    Keep on toking all! :smoking:
  14. True. But I bought a quarter pound for 775, thats less then 200 an oz. Its a 193.75 an Oz.
    To be exact its 6.91 a Gram.. So, Im really paying 7 bucks a gram. :)
  15. From alberta too huh, calgary by chance... just picked up some black hash here that looks identical to that stuff.
  16. Edmonton, haha usually everything that comes north comes through here.. :bongin: Toke on bro. Whats the prices on hash and bud down there.. I`d imagine pretty cheap. :smoking:
  17. Oh my. I must say, I've never seen hash in that quantity or at that price 'round here. Kudos on the hookups.
  18. Really, damn man.. Id have to come to Calgary one day then, hahaha. ;) :bongin::bongin: Thanks, happy toking bro. :smoking:
  19. FAP FAP FAP :hello:
  20. You bought a Quapper of Hash you crazy mother licker!!! That's incredible. Ride on man

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