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4FOOTHITS: 77.3 Grams of Black Hash & 39 Grams of kief

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 4FootHits, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. How the fuk do ull get these.crazy ass amount of shit lol fainted twice before I wrote this lol
  2. good fucking lord
  3. That hash looks kinda chunky. Not that it dont look tasty. Just not the smooth shit that I have not been able to get since about 1989. Except for those trips to Amsterdam. But around here in the MI, there is NONE to be found unless you are sick and have a med card, which I am not. I'll take my health and no card over a med issue and a card though. Damn I miss my hash though. The BHO is good but still not the same.
  4. Yeah it was very chunky, check out my new thread of some gold hash that is fairly similar!

    Ive had black hash before thats easy to break up and green on the inside. :smoke:
  5. This would last me forever
  6. I was about to ask if you still did haha but from 2010...
  7. I just shit all over my mind. How the fuck do you get that much hash and the keif is just fucking ridiculous. That shit looks like a chunk of concrete. Wtffffff

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