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48 hours...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jankydank, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Hey guys and gals. For roughly the last three years I have been high constantly. Id smoke first thing in the morning, breaks and lunch at work, when I got home up until the time I went to sleep. Wake up and start the whole routine over again. My mind and body do not understand the term "sober" anymore, being stoned has become my normal.

    Its time for a change... Just like everything else, moderation is key. Im planning on staying clean until 4/20, at which time I will purchase some new, nice glass in the morning and proceed to kill trench after trench of kief in my MFLB until I hit my [10] or pass out. Once 4/20 passes, gonna force myself to only partake on weekends and in moderation.

    At the time of this post, it has been exactly 48 hours since I last enjoyed the herb. Big deal, right? Well this is the longest Ive gone in the last three years without smoking. I am pretty stoked about it, although I only got 2 hours of sleep last night.

    I know Im in for some fun times while my brain readjusts. Im not looking for support or encouragement as I already know I can do it, I just wanted to post this and let someone know as nobody else would really understand where Im coming from.

    As always, Grasscity, thanks for being a great sounding board and all my fellow blades, good vibes!
  2. That's good man you seem to be handling it well. I'm sub'd to see how this goes. What have you been doing to pass the time or get your mind off of smoking?
  3. First 48 were the hardest for me, not because any withdrawal just trying to keep the green off my mind. My month long Tbreak ends this Thursday. I'm pretty excited to spark my first blunt. Good luck enjoy 4/20 in a few weeks!
  4. Yeah it hasnt been too bad yet. A lot of time spent looking at my bud and smelling it lol. It is hard to get it off your mind. I went on a bike ride earlier and that helped a lot. Been keeping busy with dumb little chores around the house also. Forgot to mention, I also quit smoking cigs at the same time but I replaced them with my vape pen, just filled a new cartridge I had with the e cig juice rather than oil.

    Ive been puffing on that when I get the craving for bud. The act of inhaling and exhaling is soothing. Gives me a sense of familiarity.

    Oddly enough the cigarettes really havent been an issue yet, I thought it would be since the ecig juice only has a small amount of nicotine.
  5. Good for you man, cut the cigs. The day before my Tbreak I rolled up a fat L to say goodbye. Must be hard smelling that great great ganja knowing you can't have it. I give you credit for that.
  6. It was the same for me until I started dating a non-smoker. I've cut back a lot since. You appreciate your highs a lot more though. Good job toning it down on your own. Hit that keif hard man. I can't smoke on 4/20, I'll be busy all day so you have to smoke extra for me too.
  7. Yeah there's no way I could quit smoking knowing that I had pot I could smoke. I guess I don't have much willpower haha
  8. Just a question here. When you've smoked that much, do your eyes still get red after a toke sesh?

  9. That is entirely dependent on the person smoking. Some people can smoke constantly and will still get red eyes, some people never get them at all.
  10. Being sober probably won't be too much different.. If you went three years without taking a day of I'm sure your tolerance was sky high and your highs weren't too exciting.
  11. Day 3 is doooone, at work at least. I have some homeopathic meds that I brought with me today. Its a sublingual dropper that is meant to reduce stress and anxiety. I got frustrated over some stupid shit today but it wasnt too bad. Had to have a quick self talk with myself and force myself to get back on the right page. Damn it is hard forcibly changing your attitude...

    I started taking melatonin last night before bed too. I forgot how beneficial this stuff is. I woke up and felt incredible. Completely rested. I even had a dream! I havent dreamt in a looooong time. It was about some dude trying to kill me repeatedly, but Ill take it.
  12. Forgot to mention, I feel more in control mentally as well. What I mean by that is my motivation seems to be creeping back. It is less of an internal fight to get up and do something. I just know it has to be done and I do it, whereas before, Id procrastinate until the last possible second. Ill have to keep an eye on this and see if its just a fluke or if I am actually becoming more motivated..
  13. it probably is a real thing. especially cuz youre keeping yourself occupied. ive been there. you should also check out 5-htp its a natural supplement and it helps get some of your hormones back in balance cuz its a precursor to serotonin

  14. Thanks for the tip but I cant take that. I am on a SSRI and the combination of the two could lead to serotonin syndrome. Gotta be careful of any supplements I take, no st johns wort or anything like that.

  15. My eyes never got red from smoking. If I vaped though which is what I did mostly, they were red as the devils dick.
  16. Really irritable today. Ive been on edge since I woke up. The tiniest things have been setting me off. Just cut myself while cutting up an onion and threw the knife into the wall across the room. I really want to just take one snap to center myself...
  17. Don't do it man. The irritability should go away soon enough. How was today?
  18. lol that is how everyday is for me. fuck you mental illness. good luck though on this nice to see someone accomplish something they set out for, especially when it is a personal achievement and not monetary
  19. Dude you sound so much like me, gonna take a t break til 4/20
  20. OP toked and is too ashamed to face this thread

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