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45 for KB Eigth

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Whatisup618, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Am I being ripped of? Just so you know I live in the greater Boston area. Only Mass prices apply
  2. Nope you are not getting ripped off. Its all bout who you know, and you know the right people apparently
  3. Eigths here cost 25-35$

  4. if its really dank, no.

    I don't like near you but that sounds reasonable for some super
    eighths here cost 30-40
  5. Its KB Kine/Kind bud, kinda new toker don't know how good that is on the spectrum of weeds
  6. Oh and I can't post pics but it is pretty frosty, although it doesn't have a distinguishable scent, but my guy said not to worry because of how very frosty it was. (Which hes right, pretty frosty)

    Smoked half a bowl myself and Im feelling pretty good if that helps
  7. if it is beasters (which it probably is) then yes you got ripped off.
    little to no smell? maybe kind of hayish?
    very tight, compact buds?
    lots of orange hairs?

    if it resembles the picture below, then yes you got ripped off. i'm from western ma and beasters are about 180/ounce. i can usually get a quarter for around $50, but i don't buy beasters.

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
  8. Im from MA. Just a general guideline for the massachusetts area, An eighth of dro should go for 45 and should generally have no seeds. From what you said im assuming it could be just that but your supplier used a different word or whatever. Doesnt sound like u got ripped off though.
  9. I live in Western Mass too and I usually pay 30 an eighth and 50 to 60 a quarter for kb/dro. However I used to live near your area and 45 an eighth for dro is pretty standard in the Boston/North Shore.
  10. I live in Worcester and the kb we got around here is just pretty mids. and im sure its the same in Boston seeing my guy gets it from there. so yes you are being ripped off. dont pay more then 30.
  11. ahhhhh fuck. Guess I'll have to go find a new guy then. But to go through the trouble of finding someone new for someone new than get ripped off. Thank you guys
  12. Yea i live in the greater boston area and kb.. which is really just mids.. cost bout 25-30 an eighth so u got ripped by about $15

  13. KB is Kindbud and it can mean anything depending on your area and level of smoking. KB is usually below dro and above mersh aka mids
  14. thats what i pay for sum kb
  15. i have a buddy that i work with that lives in mass and he was not impressed with what he got

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