What exactly does this mean? grow it for 45-60 days vegetative and then flower? after beginning to flower it takes 45-60 days before harvest? 45-60 days from germination to harvest? Submitted for your approval, Tyg (who is looking for the next good thing)
You can veg for as long as you like but flowering time is usually taken from the first sighting of buds. Also plants usually like a week or 2 longer than the flowering times given to ripen up. Good luck
Hey i got a question, I'm just about ready to put my mother plant into flowering cycle but, should i ease her into a 12 on 12 off cycle. or is it safe to go straight to 12 hours on 12 hours off?
Remember, that is 45-60 days after showing sex, not after switch to 12/12. What strain is this? Good luck.
White Widow. I have 4 plants, 18" tall, robust, right about 45 days old, preflowered last week as F. Another WW hasn't declared its gender yet, and a WOUV (weed of unknown variety) that also is of unknown gender. WOUV was outgrowing my space heightwise and got topped 2 weeks ago. Four ladies got cloned last week, and I think they're looking a wee bit better today. Going to start miracle-gro bloom formula today at 1/4 strength. Submitted for your approval, Tyg ps - I have no prob with threadjacking...makes it more congenial <smile> and I'm all about congenial. Peace, Love, Cupcakes.
Sorry for the confusion...I wasn't being specific when I mentioned the 45-60 days...it was just an example. IMO she'll be done when she's done...nice color, happy buds. I was just wondering what the numbers in the seed descriptions mean. I'm looking for my next grow. Submitted for your approval, Tyg *** Peace *** Love *** Cupcakes ***
The number of days/weeks specified on the seed package is the smallest number that the breeder can reasonably get away with claiming. If they grew 100 plants as a test and 99 of them took 65 days or longer but one took 60 days, then they will claim 60 days. Same with yield numbers they quote, except there they take the biggest number they can, not the smallest. Use the numbers for comparing strains, not for laying out a calendar of expectations. If one strain says it will finish in 60 days and another says 75 days, neither claim may be accurate but at least you know which of those should finish before the other.