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420 Stash Jar??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HerbSensei420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Im saving .4 to .6 of chronic buds out of each half 8th or 8th I buy until April 20th. Ive been adding to this jar for about 3 weeks now and so far I have about a half 8th of mixed chronic buds in this jar. It sucks when I run out of buds because I know I still have bud, I just can't touch it lol. Anyone else do this?
  2. Yeah, I do the same thing. Any shake or small buds go into my 420 jar. Its nice to know you can smoke stuff that you already paid for, and don't have to go buy a sack for it.
  3. Hell yeah definitely! it's like saving money every week out of your paycheck you put $50 aside for savings and the rest you can just spend.:D
  4. i lost interest in 420. when i want to smoke weed i smoke weed, when i want to smoke a lot of weed i smoke a lot of weed.

    no point in waiting a whole year.
  5. Im not real big on the 420 thing either. I do, however, take out one of the biggest buds from each pickup and put it into a 'special' jar. I have been doing this for a few months so probably have about three quarters of an ounce, if not more, worth of top shelf buds for a rainy day. I would guess that there are about 12 different strains in there including green crack, blue dream, chocolate chip, various kushs', couple different diesel crosses along with some true bred sour, blueberry, and purples
  6. Im gonna start doing this soon because i really wanna smoke a lot on 420 and as usual ill prob be broke :mad: But with this plan i cant fail to smoke massive amounts of tree :D
  7. LoL I don't wait till 4/20 to smoke a lot of ganja man, I do that everyday. This is just so I know I will have a large amount of weed for when me and my buds are chillin on 4/20 so that way we don't burn through an 8th in like 2 hours.
  8. Really this was moved to apprentice tokers? Im no apprentice....... Im pretty sure this wasn't a noob question........
  9. Yupp I do this.

    I put aside like 1 or 2 grams out of every O I pick up.

    I have a little over a quarter now as an emergency stash.
  10. Had until I smoked it.
  11. lol...

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