420 Smoke Story

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Lexos, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Story edited to prevent deletion-

    The day started out, hung over after last night. I had a shitty feeling and my stomach hurt, and was very tired but still had to get up and clean up/take a shower/put a bed together/clean the porch. I was expecting my 3 good friends to hit me up at around 12 pm to go to a party.

    My friends show up at 12:00 and I am ready to go!

    We first start out in this abandoned cow pasture (allows people to go in their now) and it has an area of about 3 miles, in which there are a plethora of trails and secret areas to find. My friends are experienced here, have built several impressive camp spots... etc.

    3:00, still no bud. Been sitting at this rad campsite since 12:30 hitting some kief, not enough to get a significant buzz.

    3:30, We are so desperate we hit this guy up that we don't really like. We said we had enough for an eighth, so he comes around.

    4:00, guy shows up and says he is dry and though we said we had an eighth. Turns out he was holding a quarter, and was just being a greedy fucker. He passes a bowls worth of pot and is on his merry way. Some good cheesy nug too... It was but a sample

    4:20, we sit around about to cry from sobriety, this 4 20 is becoming a dud....

    5:30, 'J' leaves to hit up a 'friend'

    6:00 J comes back with his head held high, we all know what it is. He pulls out a couple grams of white widow, I rolled all three of us 6 joints (2 each) and we spark up. Tried shotgunning my friends and M fell backwards after a long hit.

    6:30, taken at least a total of 10 hard rips from the bong between the three of us. Getting ridiculously stupid now, very fuzzy.

    7:00, We leave the forest through this trail that took us 2 minutes to get into, but somehow took us 30 minutes. We were simply awing every sight there was. :)

    8:30, Decided to roll two joints, passed both around and put on a movie.

    9:00, Getting late, I think I am too high, but I pack up three more bowls for the bong for the three of us. I had confidence that I could handle it.

    10:00, Nope! So tired, we order pizza and at some, and I chilled out a bit.

    12:45, Pack a pipe with a bowl for bed, by this time, we received another couple grams btw, if you were wondering why we were still smoking. This was Sour D, though.

    1:00 Get a terrible twitch going all through my body. I start fading away. My friend asks me to pass the remote, but his voice echoes through the room. I drooled a little on myself, and was glad nobody caught that. Sooo high it was almost miserable. I crawled into bed, drank some juice and feel asleep.

    7:00, had to get up to get ready for a party at 12:00, kicked my friends out (they left and waked and baked with the remaining two joints) I still had a bowl, so I hit that and fell asleep again.

    9:30, woke up and got ready. Still a teeny bit high.

    In the end, one of the best 420's ever. It was funny, because every time I said, "this will be a dud", M said it would turn into a miracle somehow. And it did. And I am glad.

    I'll be dry until like Wednesday, which sucks
  2. Felt like a rapper that day lol
  3. Cool story, glad you had fun. The real question is how did the party the next day go?

  4. Alright, lol. Woke up super early again, waked and baked with pals. Still dry since then, super shaky.

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