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420 repair scam

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokereefer, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 smokereefer, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    got in touch with the guy everything going good. Thank you 420 repair
  2. oh man i cant believe you sent someone something without researching they're website for reviews and such.

    you should have found some local legitimate business and gotten it fixed there.
  3. There was nothing local, i asked every headshop, no one had a kiln big enough to hold a bong just a pipe. and Toke City sponsors 420 Repair, i figured it was legit
  4. Well now you know not to send expensive things to "reputable" companies.
  5. damn broseph i hope it's a miscommunication problem and that it works out for you.

    sorry to hear that
  6. If they are a sponsor at TC then they have some information on them, I would let someone know over there and see what they can do for you.
  7. Didn't the guy say three weeks? He hasn't had it three weeks according to your post. Why are you already badmouthing him online? You seem like a shitty customer.
  8. Yeah your right, my bad it arrived december 23rd according to UPS tracking number

    NOT JAN 23 my badd

    and i didnt badmouth him i havent even accused him of scamming me yet, just trying to figure it all out. but as of now it is forsure a possible scam
  9. Hope it works out for you man. Never know maybe theres just a lack of communication. One time I order a pipe, and it took 1 1/2 month to get to me.
  10. Yeah the original emails took a while to get a reply im hoping this is the same.
    we will seeee
  11. If it was a scam there would be no reason for him to send a follow up email telling you that it was with his glass blowers.

  12. The thread title is, "420 repair scam".
  13. Why would you send to have glass fixed? If its cracked who cares, use it until you break it and get a new one. Then take care of your shit next time.

  14. probably for looks i mean bongs are beautiful pieces of art

    accidents happen in the dark
  15. MRGOODSMOKER---"Whether this is a scam or not i do not know, however, im still hoping sometime soon i might get that email/ bong i have been waiting for."

    life lesson- dont judge a book by its cover
  16. Question. Did you clean it before you shipped it, or was it caked in resin?
  17. haha it was 100 percent clean. Even if that was the case and it was too dirty to ship it back an email to let me know would be appreciated ya know. But thats 100 percent not the case
  18. Were there any rules upon shipping it to them? Like cleaning it or something?

    EDIT: My bad, I'm a little slow today
  19. Someone at toke city knew the dude and gave me his number. I left him a voicemail with my number and have called like 4 times... nothing
  20. Patience is a virtue! You never know what kind of situation the other person is in. Just last week I couldn't access the internet for 2 days because of the huge snowstorm in Chicago.

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