420 Lenny's Predator Vape ~ Need Opinions

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by BuffaloSoljah, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. #1 BuffaloSoljah, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    A New High In Vaporizers


    Looking for a new vape and was wondering if anyone has owned/used one of these. Saw one at my local headshop and the guy offered a pretty decent deal. They look pretty angry in person, just wanted a third opinion before i dropped the cash :cool: I dont really care about hands free or not and dont have the green for volcano or anything of that caliber but i've been told this will effortlessly compete.

    Thanks GC.

  2. What was the deal?
  3. that thing is a beast, i'd like to find out more info on it. :hello:
  4. It looks pretty awesome. I hope its good and you get a great deal. Keep us updated
  5. 250 with everything. Normal retail is 300 so it's not that big of a price cut but one that's got me interested. It's also massive in person, it just looks like a giant ray gun haha.
  6. If your going to drop that much money try looking at this first

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer- SSV- BLACK + FREE GRINDER+ BAG - eBay (item 260670682576 end time Oct-28-10 13:55:56 PDT)

    That one is just a good deal there's plenty of colors to choose from just google silver surfer vaporizer. Its made by 7th floor vaporizer, there a good company I bought the lower end silver surfer called the (da buddha). I love this thing have used it every day for two years straight and still works great. Just my 2 cents if your going to spend that kinda of cash. That is one of the best on the market other than the volcano.

    P.s I dont work there, just love there shit.
  7. It's not a bad deal. If you like how it looks, and you want to support your headshop, i say go for it. The Silver Surfer is also a really good whip vape, and you can get it for a lot cheaper than 250 if your shopping online.
  8. Thanks for the input, and i've looked into the silver surfer a bit but i think i'd rather just spend a bit extra and get something a bit better. I've been murking on vapeworld quite a bit and havent found anything in the same ballpark price/quality wise. If i decide to buy it i'll make sure to type up a quality review for you guys. :smoke:
  9. Better off getting SSV or DBV/VB.
    Never heard of Predator Vape..have you checked for it on FC?
    make sure whatever you get has good customer service and a warranty.
  10. #10 ChicagoBud, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    I'm pretty sure that i read online that they have a "life-time limited warranty"


    I checked vapeworld, and they have it for 199$ and a lifetime warranty.
  11. Have you looked at the Purple Days vaporizer? I can't get over how good it is. $180, but they have a long waiting list (I think they are handmade in Oregon)
  12. Oh bro that just looks awful, I'm sorry!

    Seriously though, the BEST whip type vapes are the Silver Surfer(SSV) and the Da Buddha(DBV).

    Check out fuckcombustion.com, if it doesn't have tons of good reviews on there I say fuck it.
  13. IDK what's with all the negative comments? Go for it man, looks like an ill vap.
  14. yea def a very good quality vape. it just doesn't have any reputation yet because its pretty new. i'm sure you would like it just as much if not more than the DBV or SSV. let us know what you end up doing :smoke:
  15. 250 is a rip off. My head shop had them for 200 and they are plastic and look like a toy. go for a SSV or DBV best whip vapes ever.
  16. Extreme q IMO
  17. #18 Mr Guileful, Feb 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2011
    Ok so I've been using this baby for about a week now. soooo

    This thing is cool looking, the cone is made of plastic and is wide enough so that the glass heating element only leaves the cone feeling warm. The heating element looks very exposed, but its very well protected by the design of the cone. The base is made of of metal, and it has some pretty sharp edges, I'd hate to get hit in the face by this thing. Not sharp like cut your hand, but definitely rough to the tough.

    The hose clicks on, so that the vape moves with the hose rather than it getting pulled out n spilling all over the place. To remove the hose one need only hold down the vape n give a good yank. From the lower end of the vape hose. The hose is double chambered. The first chamber is where the weed goes the second chamber has a lil corkscrew plastic thing in it, that looks cool, but i don't think it effects the hit. The first chamber gets very hot so the hose must be removed by grabbing the second chamber. This took some getting used to, burnt myself a couple times.

    It hits like any other whip vape I've tasted, but the glass tube where the weed goes is quite deep, so you either have to pack less in, or stir the weed occasionally. Otherwise, the weed closest to the heating element loses all its THC while the stuff farthest stays crystaly. Make sure you use something thin like a paperclip to stir it otherwise you might crush the brittle weed and your next hit will be full of dust.

    There is no digital readout of the temperature, something even cheapy 60 dollar vapes have these days. Its not really a big issue tho, crank the volume up to 11 then dial it back about a 1/3 of a turn n ur good. Even on full blast the weed doesn't burn, but it does get very dark.

    What it does have is a light. I'm told it dims when ready, but I don't vape in the dark so I've never seen it dim.

    What is cool is that it has an off/on switch, so once you have it dialed in right, you never have to fuss with the dial again.

    The thing that goes on the end of it that looks like brass knuckles, is a pain in the ass. It isn't ergonomic at all. Who ever decided it would be cool to have to slide your fingers in an out of a hole to wasn't thinking. I just use the hose. I would by a glass nobber but they're expensive.

    Over all I would have to say that who ever bought this for 250 back when they were new got scammed. I'd say this thing is worth 100 dollars maximum.

    Coolest feature: click on hose.
    Biggest draw back: No digital display
  18. ^congrats on the purchase and review. i have to say that is the most positive review I've heard for the predator vaporizer.

    A lot of people aren't a big fan of the plastic housing and the stainless steel heating element. Most vaporizers use ceramic heating elements.Seeing the wires all pushed into the back of the plastic cone or the tubing/mouthpiece. but hey if its treating you right, then its money well spent.

    Would you mind posting pictures of your unit and everything that came with it?

    im curious to see the setup. :)
  19. Get the silver surfer or the arizer extreme q for that price..

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