4100° bulb?

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by pollojunk, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hello people, i have a question regarding a 4100 bulb. Will it add something positive to my lighting fixture?. Currently im flowering using 2700 CFL´s and a lonely 6500 one.

    I got an spare 4100 bulb, so i was wondering if its worth the extra cents. Not necesarily all spectrum is usable, but will this be posible to sweeten the spectrum i already flash at myladies?.

    Will it be better altogether to use it for a reading room or can it actually help a bit?

  2. use it as long as your temps are ok, it's not the perfect spectrum like you mentioned but it will still help.
  3. I'm not so sure. It probably has some usable light for the plant, but very little -- MJ "sees" lower frequency reds and higher frequency blue/uv but has a "hole" in the middle, right where this bulb is. So you will be throwing little usable light to the plant, but your power bill won't know the difference.

    CFLs are cheap, for the price of a McDonald's meal deal you can just get 3-4 23w CFLs in the right spectrum...
  4. I found this 3 spectrum analyses (3000, 4100 and 5800)






    If im "reading" this graphs correctly:

    1) 3000 has the bigger peak in the redish zone of all three bubs (no surprises there)

    2) 4100 and 5800 DO NOT DIFFER much in the blueish end of the spectrum.

    3) 5800 has a slightly smaller peak aroun the redish zone than the 4100 bulb.

    4) 4100 bulb could be used for vegging almost as effectively as a 5800 bulb;

    5) 4100 bulb will be better during flowering conditions than the 5800

    6) 4100 has bigger peak around the greenish yellowish area.

    Im definitely going to keep my 4100 bulb. im gonna keep it thru the whole growing clycle. The way i see it, it pushes light in the red and blue spectrum, but the most important thing is that has a good green/yellow output too. Green and yellow are the least usable lenghtwaves for weed, however they are not useless. So, having a bulb that does good on that particular spectrum is not a bad idea altogether.


    See, it doesnt goes down to zero, so that means some of that is usuable. So, why not stickin a bulb in a multiple bulb array specifically targeted to that area, during the whole grow process. The sweet thing is that it will also help during veg and flowering since it also covers (not as effectively as 6500 and 2700) the blueish and redish zone.
  5. Yeah 4100 is fine. Your analysis is correct.

    CFLs are garbage for flowering though, no matter what the spectrum. Get a HPS if it's possible.
  6. thats awsome! i just had a 200 watt CFL cool white given to me.. wasnt sure if i could use it or not.. now i know i can just add it as some lower lighting under my 400 watter! This has got to be the biggest CFL i have seen! It Dwarfs my 400w MH bulb!

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