400watt HPS setup

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by growguy, Nov 2, 2002.

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  1. Hiya, I am wanting to trade my 400watt hps setup.
    I am upgrading soon:)
    anyways drop me a line here or pm with an offer.
  2. Is it possible for you to send it from mars ?? if it is how much do you want for it ?

    Peace man
  3. yea I can ship it interspace express:D

    I really dont have a price in mind to be honest, just make an offer, If u want me to I can post a pic of the system for ya?

  4. Yeah post me a pick that sounds cool.

    Cheers ma man !
  5. Are you gonna send me a pic mate ?


  6. Please send the pic.

  7. Sorry bro, have been busy here lately, jobs on the oregon coast are shit,lol.
    anyways I will post a pic sometime tommarow/today,lol. (3:32am here)
    take care:)
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