Hey all, I am vegging with a 400w MH that I am using an inline fan to cool. I have 6 plants all about one week old. I have been keeping the light 30 - 36 inches away. As I am new at this, what is the stopping point when moving plants closer to the light? Is it a temperature thing, I am trying to keep the tops of my baby plants no hotter than 80. Or is it a if they start to show signs of unhealthyness? Thanks... Eggs
If it's an air cooled hood you can get them under a foot away and be fine. Just use the hand test. Place your hand under the light at different distances. If your hand doesn't get too hot, it's fine for your plants also. With that being said, you don't want them as close as possible. There is a point when you get too close and the light from the reflector is no longer spread out enough. Definitely can go way closer than you are now though.